Chapter Nine - Confession And Acceptance

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Classes for today have finally ended. Rhys approached me, coming out of his classroom—running towards me. I can see the smile on his face, it's sweet and genuine. "Hey! Let's walk?" He offered me. "Hey, sure! But can we go to our place?" I asked. "Yeah sure, why not? I have extra food here from lunch, we can eat it." He said. "Oh, all right. Then, let's get going!" I told him. We laughed and talked while walking. It was nice. We then reached our place, the exact spot. I placed the mat and Tenny took out the food that he got and put it on the mat. We sat down and started eating. 

He then mentions something. "Hey, do you remember the letter in your locker?" He asked. "What letter—oh that one,"
"How did you know about it?" I replied.
"I was the one who wrote it. I can see that it is still untouched." He said.
"Oh yeah. I completely forgot. I didn't know it was from you. I'll read it tomorrow." I replied.
"No need,"
"I'll tell you what's in it." He insisted. At first, I was nervous about what could it be. It could be anything that I fear. But I just let him, I'll accept whatever's in it.
"It's a confession letter—I didn't write my name because you might hate me but now that we're getting close and found out about our stories in the past then I think it's time. To Eliot Henry Glucksberg, my beloved childhood friend, classmate, and young love, I would like to finally tell you about how I feel. You're such a good person—more than good. You're a divine person and there is nothing to hate about you. Ever since the day that I met you, we had to be apart and meet again, I had been in love with you. When we were young, it was just young love and I thought it was temporary and just a crush. But I was wrong, It's still here in my heart until now. I just want you to know that I'd accept whatever response you'd give. I am willing to wait and I want you to remember that as long as I'm here, you'll be protected, loved, and you'll experience comfort.
                                                                                               -Loving you dearly,

My eyes are wide and I was speechless. I didn't know what to say and so I just hugged him. "I'm sorry. I can't find the right words right now. I'll make sure to tell you once I do, worry about nothing." I told him, hugging him tightly. "I understand. I'm fine with that. Just so you know I'm also fine with whatever your answer will be. As long as you're here, I'll be all right." He replied. "We'll continue our friendship right? Don't be scared, I'm here. I won't leave you." I said, comforting him as he may feel bad somewhere on the inside. "Yeah. We will. I'm not scared and I'll stay with you too." He replied, assuring me. We stared into eyes of each other deeply and we would feel each other's soft lips. His on top of mine, reaching the comforts of the ground, and mine on his, reaching the comforts of his clouds. It felt nice, I feel good, I feel peace. I'm still unsure if I should confess and say that I like him back, I do like him but I feel like I need a bit more time to make sure of it—I was sure of it. "Are you willing to wait, Rhys?" I asked. "As long as it takes. I love you dearly, Eliot." He replied. "Even if you are, I will no longer make you wait," 
"I like you too, Tennyson," I said, with my heart.
He went silent for a while and he followed it up with a sweet smile of his. He hugged me tight and I hugged him tight. 
 "I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you. I love you so much, Eli." He'd say, repeatedly. I giggled and placed both of my hands on his cheeks. "I love you too," I said. We smiled at each other and kissed between what surrounded us and under the comforts of the bright moon. His eyes shine with it. I have met what my soul would connect to.

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