Chapter Fourteen - Love

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It felt like heaven, I didn't ever want it to stop. But then we are interrupted by the signal. And we had to stop what we were doing. Rhys broke down are kiss and I gasped for air. "Did you like it?" He said, suddenly. "Yeah," I whispered. "Hm? I can't hear you." He said, teasingly. "I said yes. I liked it." I replied, almost yelling. "Sweetheart. Let's do this when we can. Maybe after this." 
"O-okay. Shall we go?" I said, getting up. "Sure. Let's go," he replied, taking my hand, "Your lips tasted sweet. It was so tempting to eat it." 
"What are you saying?! Someone might hear you!" I said, looking like a smoked tomato in front of him. He just giggled, it was cute and we went outside. Anything that I do, anywhere that I'm at, let me be with him and I would not ask for anything else

It was announced that the next game will involve mental and physical endurance. It was interesting so we listened as our teacher talk about more. We all gathered up and went to places with our partners. Our teacher gave us different items and different instructions. Rhys and I received a chocolate-flavored pocky stick and then our teacher explained to us what we will be doing. One end will be placed in my mouth and the other in his. We have to consume the whole stick without a single piece falling apart from us. My face flushed, looking like a red tomato while Rhys kept smiling at me. "Stop being so cute or it will be not only the stick that I'll be eating." He whispered, leaning in close. "Okay stop. Let's get to work. Focus." I replied.

We took the pocky stick and placed it in our mouths. I was told to stay still and that he'll do the work. I did what has been said to me and then he began eating it up. We were doing it without breaking eye contact and I felt butterflies in my stomach when he was very close to my lips. Though we've kissed a lot of times before, it feels weird when a lot of people are watching and around us. As he comes even closer to my lips, I closed my eyes and he bit the last part of the pocky stick and we were finished. Not only that but when were very close, he went in for a kiss. It lasted for about 10 seconds and he pulled himself away from me from there, we were declared as winners as we were the first to finish our task. We jumped and hugged so tight from the happiness rising in both of us. After that, we went away from the crowd, where it was just the both of us. 

"We won, love." Rhys said, but not in that energetic voice of his. It is calmed and at ease. "Mhm. We definitely did. And the best part is, I won, with you." I replied. "Love," he calls, "you know, you're my favorite person. And I don't want to lose you." 
"Yeah? You are too. I wanna live longer, with you. I want my book to end with you, with us. It doesn't matter if it's happy or sad, I just know I'd be in heaven with you." 
"What if one day, I'd be the person who'll bring hell to you?" 
"What are you saying?" I asked, almost shouting as I gently place both of my palms on his cheeks. "Listen to me. No matter what happens, I'll stay by your side. And if my promises and words won't be fulfilled, I'd hate myself." 
"I love you. I love you so much. I love you more than anyone else. I truly do and I will continue to love you until the day that death will come for me." He says with a soft glare in his eyes.
"Me too. I love you too. I love you more than anything or anyone else." 
I hugged him so tight and we kissed, and once again I felt heaven. I wanted it to last longer this time, longer than it ever was before. I love you, my soul longs for you, my heart aches for you, my mind screams for you, and I love you.

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