27 - Dreams and Teams

Start from the beginning

Cas turned his wary eyes from Mike and smiled at me softly. Did he want to kill me with those dimples?

Satisfied, Mike nodded and put his hand on Cassian's shoulder, which I wanted to rip off. Damn it, was that jealousy?

I never had felt jealousy that strongly. Every cell in my body forced me to stop the skin contact of those two, even if that meant to kill Mike or to rip his hand off.

With all my force I pushed back my wolf and grinded my teeth. I couldn't lose my self-control over something small like that.

»Watch over our drama queen,« the Scot said before he pulled his hand back. The other nurses agreed and after exchanging the last goodbyes Cassian and I left the hospital.

The cold January wind blew in my face and felt refreshing on my skin in my nose.

It was already January, unbelievable. If I counted correctly I came back at the end of November and if I thought back to everything that had happened I could think years had already passed.

I was mostly healthy now, I found my mate, talked it out with my old friends, adopted Coffee, was a member of The Lycans again, was in a relationship with Cassian and happy – what was the most surprising of all.

And it wouldn't be long until it was March – Cassian's birthday.

We went into his car and he put on the heater and the radio, although it only played quietly in the background.

»Was there something between that nurse and you once?« Cas suddenly asked and sounded tense. Did he notice something with the way I acted?

Puzzled, I shook my head. I didn't lie. There was never really something between Mike and I. I just crushed on his hotness.

»Why do you think so?«

He shrugged his shoulders and started the car. It was finally repaired – took long enough.

»Just his words, that I should watch over you and the fact how you looked at him and he at you.«

He drove off from the parking lot and turned onto the road that led through the forest for a long time. The hospital was a little offside from the village. Why, I didn't know. Maybe because it was more idyllic and nature helped people to get better. Something like that had one of the older nurses said to me.

»For now, to calm you down, there seriously was nothing between us,« I said and he breathed out in relief.

»Except for the fact that I had a wet dream of him,« I added quietly and immediately Cassian braked and the car came with squeaking gears to halt. The rear swung a little bit and I clung to something in shock.

»What?!« he screamed and turned to me. A little bit bewildered, I opened my eyes wide and flinched which he immediately noticed.

»Sorry...« he whispered quietly and turned around to look out of the windshield.

»It's just, it seemed like you both undressed each other with your looks. And now you say you had once a wet dream of him and it makes me fuzzy. After all, we just started our relationship and jumped over that on barrier.«

Gently I grasped his hand and squeezed.

»Stay calm. I only had that dream because he needed to help me wash myself because I was too weak. He was just the only hot male being close to me. And for the fact, he didn't undress him just now. It was only my inner gay guy that checked him out and compared him to my handsome and hot mate,« I said, determined and immediately he looked at me again.

»Your inner gay guy?« he repeated amused.

»Don't try to change the topic!« I yelled, offended and hit him on the chest. Amused, he snorted and nodded.

»I understand and you don't know how crazy my wolf just now is,« he said.

But he wasn't right. I could imagine it because my wolf side was going crazy too. However, not because of relief that I didn't want something from another man but because Cassian seriously wanted something from me and was scared to lose me and as well, he was jealous.

He started his car again and drove off.

»Say, now that you play in the band again, do you want to go back to swimming again too?« Cas asked curiously and looked briefly at me before he concentrated on the road. Better like that. Eyes on the street, my friend.

»I don't know. Somehow yes, but somehow no too. Now you, do you have hobbies? I never asked you that and never took interest to notice.«

Thoughtful he looked at me again and then back onto the street.

»I would recommend taking advantage of it as long as you can. After all, this is the last part of this school year before we graduate. Moreover, the coach would be happy if you join again. And just between us, you looked good in the team jacket. Go Hunters!« he said and made me laugh loudly.

Our team was called Hunters. Because he hunted after every win, our coach always said. The team jacket Cassian meant was a typical college jacket in blue and white with the name Hunters on the back and beneath stood the name of the swimmer in white.

»I will think about it. But now back to you, you didn't answer my question.« He rolled his eyes and grinned at him with a winning smirk.

»Yeah, I had a hobby. I once played football at the association of our village but I dragged it behind me for a few years. I just don't have the determination and motivation.«

Surprised, I raised my eyebrows.

»So, football. Probably comes from the dog in you, running after a ball,« I teased and he laughed loudly.

»As I said, I gave up on football. It wasn't really for me. Although, I would like to have a hobby again, next to learning how to be the next Alpha and studying for graduation.«

»You like ball sports and martial arts, right?« I asked thoughtfully. I had some ideas but if he liked them, it was another thing.

»Yes, ball sports and martial arts are my interests right now. But I don't know. We are in a relationship right now and I don't want to waste my time on some sport. I rather spend my time with you.«

His words were touching but there was a reason that yelled at me.

»Cas, if I should start with swimming again, then you can do a sport too and I would have the right idea. Coincidentally, I heard from Jackson that the lacrosse team from our school still searches for some players.«

»The lacrosse team?«

»Yes, the lacrosse team. Look at it in this way, it is a ball sport and at the same time a little fighting is kind of involved too. Furthermore, the training of the swimming team and the lacrosse team is at the same time what would be perfect for the time issue.«

»Aren't the lacrosse team and the swimming team enemies?«

I waved to sign him that it didn't matter.

»Doesn't matter and when we both are together, a lacrosse player and a swimmer, we just calm the fighting between our teams. Because, if I work myself up to get to be the Captain again and you work yourself to the Captain seat, we force our teams to no fighting.«

»I don't know, Kyran,« he said unsure.

»Just think about it.«

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