"Well, I don't mind. I can watch if you'd like" Chan immediately laughed as I looked between them both in disgust.

"Out, now" I demanded, pointing over to the door as I definitely wasn't entertaining it.

He raised his hands in defence as he stood up, looking to Chan for an answer.

"She's right Felix, we'll catch up tomorrow" Chan answered as Felix nodded. Clearly there was some secret eye signal involved as Felix seemed to get the message.

"I'll see you both tomorrow, goodnight love birds"

"Night Lixie" I called, handing him his phone back as he waved before leaving the room.

Finally leaving me and Chan alone.

"So...what plans did we have?" He immediately asked as he snuck his hand around my waist pulling me closer to him.

I smirked, looking up at him as his eyes dropped to my lips. The alcohol hot on his tongue as it slid across his bottom lip.

Fuck why was he so hot.

His other hand slipped under my ass as he lifted me up, placing me on the kitchen side as my hands rested around his shoulders.

I bit my lip anticipating what was to come before I pulled him closer, crashing my lips against him once more as I had craved his touch all day.

Our lips moving in sync as his tongue caressed mine. I could easily melt in his arms although he was distracting me from what I needed to do.

His hands running up my thighs as he squeezed slightly causing me to gasp which made him smile into the kiss.

He claims I'm the distraction yet he does stuff like this that literally makes me lose my mind.

"Chris..." I spoke as he started to leave kisses along my jawline and trailed them down to my neck, sucking on my collarbone which sent that all too familiar tingly feeling through my body.

"Mmhmm?" He questioned as my free hand played with his fluffy dark hair. The moans wanting to escape my mouth but I had to hold myself together.

His hand travelling further up my skirt as he started to rub my already soaked panties.

I couldn't help it, my body wanted him over and over again.

"Fuck" I half whispered half moaned as he continued to massage his thumb against me. I felt him smile against my skin as he kissed my neck and collarbone some more.

I knew we were in the stage of never getting enough of eachother but I had to be strong and firm, I couldn't let this stop me from knowing the truth.

"Chris" I repeated, this time more sternly as I stopped playing with his hair and grabbed his wrist.

He stopped immediately as he looked down at me.

"What's wrong?" He questioned as he seemed to look concerned.

"You think maybe we can continue this tomorrow? I am pretty tired after all. Plus we stayed up all night last night" I braced myself for his answer, I didn't want to let him down, hell I didn't even want him to stop. But I needed to pause this.

He smiled softly as his hand brushed my cheek.

"Of course, your sleep is important. Come on, let's get ready for bed"

My heart melted at the sound of his words. He was honestly such a gentleman and he really did care about my wellbeing too.

I smiled as he once again picked me up and carried me into the bedroom, I couldn't help but laugh again. I'll never get enough of this feeling of feeling loved.

Taste (BangChan) 18+जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें