the best ending ever/963\

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As we go to land Yubaba and Boh are waiting for us by two rows of pigs once we are infront of them Boh ran to me and hugged me tightly making me laugh I get out of his grasp and face Yubaba

Yubaba: I see you've made it before your time was up...

I only nod and bow to her

Yubaba: now as we stated in our deal your parents will go free with no memory of you whatsoever but due to your status in Yokai ranking you will be staying in one of our finest suites for free but you'll have a job as to help around if absolutely needed and stay with us here the rest of your life.

Everyone gasped at the deal I made with Yubaba I smile and stand up nodding I look around at the pigs

Yubaba: choose wisely you've only got one shot..!

She says with a smirk I sigh and feel inside of my heart something was off none of them were my parents because I could sense their souls were still in the pig pen

Me: this doesn't make any sense... My parents aren't here their in the pig pen.

I stated with a straight face and Yubaba gasped softly at my answer

Yubaba: is that your final answer??

I nod with a small smile suddenly the piece of paper explodes in her grasp and all the pigs turn into workers shouting "oh you got it" everyone cheered for me and Kohaku grabbed my hand leading me to the field

Kohaku: come on let's go see your parents for the last time..!

I smile and nod following him once we make it above the fields my clothes change into a beautiful royal blue and white kimono making me gasp and smile in awe then we look to see my parents heading towards the old entrance I look at them and smile

Kohaku: Kerrigan are you sure this is for the best?

I look at him and nod gripping his hand firmly as I look back at them finally they entered the old entrance and were out of my sight

Me: I made a promise to come back Kohaku..! So I intend to keep it by staying...

He smiles at me and pulls me closer by my waist claiming my lips with his own in a passionate kiss

19 years later the present

Me: and that my children is how me and your father's story end.

Yue: so you got my name from a Kaonashi?!

I smile and nod at my 9 year old daughter

Alex: hey mom why is my name Alex..?

My 12 year old son asks

Me: because Alex that name was a shortened version of someone just as special as the ocean Oni-.. At least to me...

Chia: really mommy? Who'd it belongs to..?

My 3 year old son chia asked holding his new baby sister Tai-li in his arms trying to hold her still there was another new born which was Tai-li's twin brother Tai-ki sleeping peacefully in my arms

Me: it belonged to your uncle Alexander Charles Montgomery...

Yue: wait we have an uncle?!

Yue whispers shouts trying not to wake her baby brother

Me: mhm..!

Kohaku them rushes into the room with a panicked look on his face

Kohaku: Kerrigan there's a male human at the borders!

I smile and stand up rushing out of our small house that was across the bathhouse we rushed out to the old entrance seeing a man with medium wavy brunette hair and chocolate brown eyes his stubble pretty visible from afar I gave Kohaku Tai-ki and run up to him my kimono floating behind me as I run into his arm's he looks at me and opens his arms wide laughing and spinning me around

Alexander: KERRIGAN!

He shouted while spinning me around I giggled and laughed only for Kohaku to run up to us and grab me from

Alexander: huh-?

He and Kohaku started at each other before our kids came running towards us Alexander started tearing up

Alexander: I'm an uncle?!

He shouts waking up Tai-ki who looks at him and giggles I smile and nod grabbing Tai-ki from Alex's grasp and handing him to my brother

Kohaku: love what are you-!

I hush him and place Tai-ki in my brother's hands

Me: kids Kohaku this is my older brother Alexander...

I say smiling at him he uses one arm to hold Tai-ki and uses his free one to bring his hand to my cheek cupping it gently

Alexander: you look so much like mom..!

I smile and lean it on his touch before she hands me Tai-ki I hold him and rock him in my arms gently

Me: so are you staying or were you planning to visit from time to time?

He smiles and shakes his head before ruffling my oldest sons hair

Alexander: I'll be sure to visit whenever I'm free Kerrbear...

I only nod and lean into his chest which he embraces me

Kohaku: make sure it's often because I'm pretty sure our kids are happy to know our family is a bit bigger..!

Alexander: I met a nice girl myself and we're getting married this fall.

He and Kohaku continue to talk as me and my children sit down on the grass watching the clouds move across the sky

Alex: that's Alexander??

I giggle and nod

Me: don't worry he's more dorky and energetic than calm and talkative...

I smiled at him as my three eldest huddle close my twins cradled in my arms I look back at my brother and Kohaku seeing them smiling brightly joy in their eyes making me smile back

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