facing a Kaonashi and a train ride/1415\

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Once I raised my head the spirit held up some food in her hand

Yue: try this it's delicious...

She said and I sat on my knees staring at her with a blank face

Yue: want some gold? I'm not giving it to anyone else..!

I continued my blank stare towards the female spirit

Yue: come closer Kerrigan what would you like-.. Just name it...

Me: I would like you to leave ma'am.

I flat out told her

Me: I have some place I need to go to right away..!

She backed away a little her smile turning into a frown

Me: you should go back to where you came from Yubaba doesn't want you in the bathhouse any longer...

She was now squeezing her long neck into her large body

Me: wheres your home?? Don't you have any friends or family?

She was now hiding in her badly ner mouth and mask were no longer seen

Yue: no... I'm lonely..! So lonely-..

Me: well what could I have that you want?

Yue: I want Kerrigan I want Kerrigan-! Take the gold..!

She said shoving a handful of gold in my face

Me: will you eat me?

Yue: take it-!

She starts to wrap her fingers around me and I use my newer and sharper canines to bite her hand and once she pulled away she dumped the gold on the floor and inspects the bite mark

Yue: ow...

She says and I quickly exit the door only to have her follow right on my tail I continue to run and run and run from halls down stairs cases and around rooms only to appear outside I see Lin in some kind of make shift boat

Lin: Kerrigan over here!

I rush up to her and get into the small boat surprised it could carry us both I look back at the bath house to see the female Kaonashi standing on a pipe looking for us

Me: hey over here!!

I shout and once her eyes are set on us she jumps into the water

Lin: Kerrigan don't call her over God your to much like Chihiro..!

Me: I just think the environment in the bath has is making her lose her sanity so she needs to get out of there...

I retaliate and Lin rolls her eyes making me chuckle then she gasps finally noticing my new form

Lin: your a kitsune?!

I only nod and take off my bath house uniform to reveal my light grey shorts and my light blue shirt she stops near the tracks and tells me

Lin: you'll have to walk from here..! The stations just down the tracks...

I only nod and bow to her

Me: thank you Lin for being my friend.

She smiles and starts making her way back to the bathhouse as I walk down the tracks I hear her shout at the female Kaonashi

Lin: oi no face #2 you lay even scratch her and your in big trouble missy!

Eventually I made it towards a stone island near the tracks I smile and rush towards it

Me: theres the station-!

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