crazy driver/1005\

40 0 2

I stared at the card in the bouquet of blue belles and read it to myself

Me: I'll miss you Kerrigan your best friend Ashton...

I mumbled softly and close my eyes only for my dad to start calling my name I open them again to see my dad

Charles: Kerrigan? Kerrigan we're almost there..!

He said as I lower the flowers from my face seeing the buildings we pass by as my dad drives I look towards my mom and dad who were sitting in the front my eyes wide 'what?!'

Beverly: this really is in the middle of no where. I'll have to go to the next town to shop...

Charles: we'll just has to learn to like it..!

I stared back up towards the ceiling of car wide eyed taking a deep breath to calm myself then I turn towards the front again as my dad leaned forward and towards the right looking at a building

Charles: look Kerrigan there's your new school... Looks great doesn't it?

Beverly: it doesn't look so bad..!

I sat up and looked out the window to see a building we pass and I stick my tongue out towards the building until it's gone then lay back down holding my flowers close 'this is all so-.. Familiar and I don't know why...'

Me: it's gonna stink..! I like my old school better.

I notice the petals falling from the dropping flowers

Me: mom my flowers are dying!!

I shout rushing towards the front to show her the card falling out in the process

Beverly: I told you not to smother them like that... We'll put them in some water when we get to our new home.

I groan and back away into my seat again while saying

Me: I finally get a bouquet and it's a good bye present that's depressing..!

I said sounding slightly annoyed

Beverly: daddy bought you a rose for your birthday don't you remember??

She says and hands me my card back

Me: yeah just one... One rose isn't a bouquet.

Beverly: hold on to your card I'm opening the window..! And stop whining it's fun moving to a new place...

She says and opens the window and a soft breeze blows my bangs away from my face making me look towards my window seeing a big green tree in the distance

Beverly: it's an adventure!

She said and I slightly smiled feeling the cool breeze on my face

More driving later

Charles: wait-.. Did I take the wrong turn..?

He asked himself looking ahead

Charles: this can't be right...

Beverly: look there's our house.

She pointed out on our right

Charles: huh-?

Beverly: it's that blue one on the end..!

Charles: oh your right... Must've miss the turn off.

I look down at the ground seeing little stones they looked like tiny houses

Charles: this should get us there..!

Beverly: honey don't take a short cut you always get us lost...

Charles: trust me it'll work.

Me: what are those stones?? They look like tiny houses..!

Beverly: there shrines some of the locals around here say little spirits live there...

She says and my dad starts driving on the bumpy road ahead

Me: dad I think we're lost.

Charles: were fine..! I've got four wheel drive...

He hits a bump making me yelp in surprise

Beverly: sit down please sweetie.

My mom asked almost a little frightened after more driving it was even bumpier and I stared out the window to see a strange statue with a face on it

Beverly: slow down your gonna kill us!!

I heard my mom shouted not soon after my dad shouts back

Charles: what's that-?!

Then he slams his foot on the breaks right before we hit one of the stairs I saw from earlier we look up to see an old worn down entrance like area

Beverly: what's this old building?

Charles: it looks like an entrance..!

My dad said getting out of the car and closing the door

Beverly: honey get back in the car were gonna be late...

She shouts to my dad I open the door and close it only to put my flowers back inside from the open window

Beverly: Kerrigan.

She said sounding disappointed my dad touches the wall of the entrance and I grab his arm

Charles: this buildings not old..! It's fake... These stones are just made of plaster.

We look inside and low breeze flows past us and into the dark tunnel as if it's pulling is in

Me: the winds pulling us in..!

I mumble my mom gets out of the car and walks to my side

Beverly: what is it??

Charles: come on let's go in I wanna see what's on the other side...

I gripped his arm even tighter looking up at my father shocked

Me: I'm not going it gives me the creeps..!

My dad looks down at me and says

Charles: don't be such a scaredy cat Kerrigan. Come on let's take a look...

Beverly: the movers will get to our house before we do..!

Charles: it's alright they got the keys. They can start without us...

My mom crosses her arms and says

Beverly: alright just a quick look..!

I look at her shocked and shout between them

Me: forget it I'm not going!

Then rush back towards the car

Me: come on let's just get out of here!!

Charles: come on princess it'll be fun...

He says ushering me to his side

Me: I'm not going..!

I retaliate and grip onto my light blue shirt only to look to my right seeing the statue we almost hit and the two faces it had one behind and Infront of it making me scrunch my face with disgust and once I hear footsteps I look ahead and gasp seeing my father already entering the tunnel

Beverly: Kerrigan just wait in the car then.

Me: but mom-!

I shout and stomp my feet

Me: wait for me!!

I shout and rush after her grabbing her arm

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