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I was crouched next to a building crying my eyes out until my sobs were no longer spirits of all kinds were now flooding the area suddenly someone touches me and I gasp looking at the familiar green eyes

Kohaku: don't be afraid I just want to help you...

I shake my head tears once again forming in my eyes

Kohaku: open your mouth and eat this. You'll have to eat some food from this world or you'll disappear forever..!

I squeeze my eyes shut and open my mouth a little as tears fall down my face

Kohaku: it won't turn you into a pig I promise...

He says and puts it on my tongue I almost refuse to chew the small berry or was it a candy I'll never know

Kohaku: chew it and swallow.

He says softly and I do so with no problem

Kohaku: there you go... Your all better..! See for yourself.

He says holding up has hand to me I slowly place my hand on his surprised that now I could touch it I laced my finger with his making him look at me with slightly widened eyes he intertwines our hands together and smiled at me

Kohaku: you see??

I nod and he stands up our fingers still laced together

Kohaku: now-.. You need to come with me..!

Me: what about my mom and dad?! T-they didn't really turn into pigs right?

I asked sort of pleaded to him to know that they were ok

Kohaku: you can't see them now but you will... I promise..!

I look down with guilt and nod I look back up to him to see him glaring at the sky then he pins me to the wall

Kohaku: don't move.

He hisses lowly and I wrapped my arms around him burying my face into his chest he gasped at my touch tensing a little bit soon relaxed continuing to glare up at the sky we waited a bit and he moved away I let go of him

Kohaku: that bird it's looking for you... You've gotta get out of here..!

Me: I can't the river was already formed once I got to the stairs!

I whisper shout Kohaku seem supposed that I knew that was the river 'I love kohaku and I'm going to stay with him' kohaku stands with up I go to stand as well only to not be able to

Me: I can't stand..! Kohaku help!

'oh no... I said his name out loud..!' he looks at me wide eyed but brushes it off 'maybe he thinks he didn't hear me right that's probably a good thing to think right now'

Kohaku: stay calm. Take a deep breath...

I hold in a breath and he says a spell grazing his hand over my thighs

Kohaku: in the name of the wind and the water within thee unbind her..!

And with that I immediately stand to my feet and Kohaku runs through town dragging me which surprising not to hard considering I was able to keep up we ran through about three buildings until we reached somewhere near the bathhouse

Kohaku: you have to hold your breath while we cross the bridge. Even the tiniest breath will break the spell and everyone will see you...

He says opening the gate Infront of us

Me: I'm scared..!

I mumbled

Kohaku: calm down it'll be alright.

He opens another gate and we turn to the bridge

Kohaku: I'm back from my mission...

Frog worker: welcome back master haku..!

We continue forwards and are about to cross the bridge

Kohaku: take a deep breath.

He says and I breathe in a big breath holding it on my own accord we were crossing the bridge when I see a Kaonashi staring at me I look at her then infront of us again continuing to hold my breath

Kohaku: hang on we're almost there...

Suddenly a frog runs up to us and hops in my face

Aogaeru: master haku! Where you been?!

I gasp and then go to hold my breath again

Aogaeru: wha-.. A human...?!

He puts a spell bubble around the frog and shouts

Kohaku: let's go!

Then we literally fly past the girls in front entering a small gate into a little garden like area

Kohaku: they know your here...

Me: I'm so sorry I took a breath..!

Kohaku: no no you did very good Kerrigan. Now listen to me carefully... You can't stay here they'll find you..! And you'll never rescue your parents! I'll creat a diversion while you escape...

Me: no don't leave me here..!

Kohaku: you don't have any choice if you want to save your parents this is what you have to do...

Me: so they did turn into pigs-.. And it's all my fault.

I whimper

Kohaku: no Kerrigan it isn't humans can be fooled by a lot of things humans that are like however can't..!

Me: humans like me?

I mumble to myself

Kohaku: yes humans like you... Now-!

He says and touches two of his finger to my forehead

Kohaku: when things quiet down exit this area through the back gate go all the down the stairs until you reach the boiler room where they stoke the fires..! That's where you'll meet Kamaji the boiler man...

Me: Kamaji-..

Kohaku: tell him you want to work there you must insist even when he refuses keep insisting that you want to work there if you don't get a job Yubaba will turn you into an animal.

Me: Yubaba...

Kohaku: yes she's the witch of the bathhouse but be careful Kamaji will turn you away or find a way to trick you into leaving just keep asking him for work..! It'll be hard work but at least she won't be able to harm you then and you'll have a place to stay until you can save your parents... I have to go! But don't forget Kerrigan..! I'm your friend...

I grab his hand one last time gripping it firmly in my own

Me: how did you know my name was Kerrigan?!

I ask surprised

Kohaku: I've known you for longer than you can even remember..!

He crouched down again and kisses my forehead I was surprised but quickly returned to reality a faint pink colored my cheeks

Kohaku: good luck... And don't make a sound.

I nod and let go of his hand

Frog worker: master haku?!

Kohaku: calm down I'm coming..!

He shouts and walks closer to the sliding doors

Frog worker: master haku Yubaba wishes to see you...

He stops on a stone infront of the door and takes off his sandals which one of the frog workers pick them up and bring them inside

Kohaku: I know it's about my mission right..?

He asks and enters the building the sliding doors close shut and everything was finally quiet I crawl towards the back door slowly

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