train station and a bathhouse/1179\

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As we walked through the tunnel I grabbed my mom's arm tightly not comfortable with the dark and small space

Charles: watch your step.

I heard my father say

Beverly: Kerrigan don't cling to me like that you'll make me trip..!

My mom whispered to me once we made it to the end I see benches upon benches covered in a thin layer of dust leaves were everywhere and there were little stain glass windows shining in colorful light from the sun

Me: what is this place??

I ask and look to my mom as she cups her left ear

Beverly: oh do you hear that-..

I listen closely to the sound recognizing it from somewhere

Me: it sounds like a train..!

I say with a smile there were a lot of trains back home so this made me relax a little

Beverly: we must be near a train station...

Charles: come on let's go check it out.

My dad says and walks towards the exit once we're all out there's a beautiful field of grass with those weird statues in almost every place

Me: what are those weird buildings..?

Charles: I knew it...

Me and my mom look at my dad to see him with his hands on his hips and look up towards the giant clock on top of the building

Charles: it's an abandoned theme park they used to build them everywhere in the early 90's but then economy turned bad and they all went bankrupt this must be one of them.

Me: where are you going you said just a quick look so let's go back!! Hey-?!

My mom left my side and once she did the building started howling as wind blew past it this of course scared me and run to catch of with my parents grabbing my dad's hand

Me: did you hear that building? It was moaning..!

Charles: it's just the wind...

Beverly: oh what a beautiful place! We should've brought our lunch then we could've had a picnic..!

My dad let's go of my hand rushes ahead

Charles: look they were planning on putting a river here-..!

He says and hold out his hand to my mom sniffing the air

Charles: hey you smell that?

He sniffs the air again

Charles: something smells delicious..!

My mom sniffs the air and agreed with my dad

Beverly: yeah and I'm starving...

Charles: maybe This theme park is still in business let's go!

Beverly: Kerrigan hurry up..!

She shouts as I have a struggle getting towards the stairs

Me: wait a minute-!

I shout and get to the stairs rushing after him my dad stops at the top of the stairs we were climbing and sniffs the air trying to get the location of the smell then points to his left

Charles: over there...

Me and my mom catch up with him and he keeps repeating his tactic as we walk around

Charles: this way..!

He says pointing to the left again

Beverly: how strange-.. There all restaurants!

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