The Deal/1166\

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As I enter her work area I saw she was writing on pieces of paper with a beautifully decorated quill the three heads approach me making me smile as they great me while looking at me from head to toe

Yubaba: leave the girl alone before you make her cause a racket...

I heard Yubaba say and they go to a corner of the room stacking on top of each other

Me: excuse me..?

She looks up at me

Me: I was wondering if you could give me a job.

She turns her head upwards to look at me and smirks zipping my mouth shut I sigh out my nose not even bothering to try and open my mouth

Yubaba: I don't want to hear such a stupid request... Your just stupid human girl..! And this is absolutely no place for humans such as yourself.

She says placing a bag of money into a box before closing it I glare at her

Yubaba: it's a bath house for the spirits it's where the come to relax and be at peace before they go back to their homes...

I continue to glare at her as she puts a cigarette between her lips and lights it with her finger

Yubaba: and you humans always make a mess of things like your parents who gobbled up the food like pigs..! They got what they deserve.

I grit my teeth a growl coming from my through as my glare intensifies

Yubaba: and you should be punished to... You can be a piglet-.. Or maybe you'd prefer a lump of coal...

She says slightly wheezing as she lets the smoke form the cigarette escape her nose and mouth she hums softly

Yubaba: your not shaking... That's new usually someone like you would be afraid..! But your just standing there with such fire in your eyes.

She returns the glare only for her eyes to widen and she groans then unzips my mouth

Yubaba: explain to me who you are...

Me: I'm Chihiros descendant and I would like a job here please..!

Her eyes widened even more then she smirked again sending a paper my way

Yubaba: let's see how long you can last.

I take the paper and quill but quickly said something before I signed

Me: I have a deal for you before I sign...

She looks at me a little surprised

Me: if I can manage to save my parents I want you to set them free with no memories of me at all and let me stay at the bathhouse for the rest of my life.

Yubaba: and why would you want that..?

Me: because I've known about this place since I was very small... And I wish to explore it when I can.

She only nods

Yubaba: it's a deal then sign that paper and it'll be sealed

I nod and go infront of the fireplace signing my fake name on the paper then hand it to her I sign the paper under the name Keegan

Yubaba: so your names Keegan..?

I nod firmly hoping she'd give me my actual name as a replacement and she cups the name into her hands

Yubaba: well it's mine now... From now on you will answer to Kerrigan is that clear?

I nod and bow

Kohaku: you called for me..?

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