the pig pen/880\

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I had gotten so much sleep last night I had woken up early so early none of the girls were even awake I stared off into the short distance between me and the sliding door just thinking about how this was gonna go 'I know I want to stay with Kohaku and everyone else but what if my parents start to remember me after all they have my things and pictures-..' I sighed and gently close my eyes trying to get more sleep only to hear one of the sliding doors open I keep my eyes shut and my breathing steady feeling a hand pull down my futon and cup my cheek

Kohaku: I'm so sorry Kerrigan I never meant for this to happen to you or Chihiro... When your ready meet me at the gate next to the bridge..! I'll take you to your parents.

Once I know he's gone I sit up and bring my shirt with me I put it on and walk down the stairs as quietly as possible entering the boiler room apparently not even Kamaji was awake I look around

Me: my shoes are gone-..

Then the soot balls bring my shoes out with ease I smile and take the socks out of them placing them on my feet tapping the tip of the shoe on the the ground so there on all the way then rush towards the door that lead outside the bathhouse once I'm there I look back to see the soot balls bouncing with excitement I smiled and waved goodbye to them and opened the door rushing up the stairs outside and towards the bridge only to see the white Kaonashi spirit again I bow to her and she just stares at me as I cross the bridge towards the gate but once I look back she was gone a hand grabs mine and I gasp looking to the gate only to see Kohaku

Kohaku: follow me...

He says and continues to hold my hand as we enter the garden

Kohaku: we don't have much time if your found here you'll be turned into a pig yourself.

I only nod once we're past all of the flowers and green we were at the stables they seemed so far before and yet there not

Kohaku: you must never come here without me understand..?

Me: uh-huh...

We were now infront of a certain pin with two pigs in it I look to Kohaku and he only nods I rush towards the pin and grab at the bars

Me: mom dad-! Can you hear me it's me Kerrigan!

I said with tears in my eyes

Me: who am I kidding their animals now they won't remember me...

I mumbled wiping away the tears that once formed

Kohaku: if you think their sick their not their just sleeping off the food they ate..!

I only nod then I run out of the pin crying 'I can't believe this!' I thought and continued running crouching down infront of a flower hedge Kohaku stood next to me handing me my grey shorts and light blue shirt

Me: I thought these were thrown away...

Kohaku: you'll need them to get home..!

Me: but I'm not going home.

Kohakus eyes widened

Me: I like it here with you Kamaji and Lin-..

Kohaku: Kerrigan think about this logically do you really want to stay here the rest of your life..?

I only nod then reach into the pocket of my grey shorts

Me: my goodbye card is still here...

I look at it smiling at the name

Kohaku: what you did was smart Yubaba controls you by taking your name but you were one step ahead

I only nod he then placed his hands on my shoulders one of his arms around my back I look at him as tears fall down my face and I hug him tightly my tears flowing down my face like little streams of water he hugged my back so gently eventually I let go and he got some oni-giri from his pocket

Kohaku: eat... You must be hungry..!

I shake my head

Kohaku: I put a spell on it it'll give you back your strength!

I still didn't take it and he started to eat it himself then guided my face to his pressing his lips to mine mouth feeding me I blush bright red from this action and he keeps doing so until I submit and eat the other one on my own I was a blushing mess as I leaned into Kohakus shoulder once I'm done eating he brings me back to the bridge

Kohaku: I've gotta go now but I'll be back soon...

He says and opens then gate grabbing my hand and pulling me close he places a gentle kiss to my forehead

Kohaku: I promise..!

Me: thank you Kohaku your a great friend.

He only nods and goes back into the garden I run towards the bridge and when I look back I see a beautiful dragon up in the air

Me: Kohaku...

Once I'm back in the boiler room I lay on the step and cuddle my clothes closely 'they smell like Kohaku..!' I thought to myself falling asleep as I cuddled the clothes closely

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