Chapter Twelve

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The next day, Elijah slowly walks inside the courtyard and gets a text message from Klaus, informing him that Christy has transformed into her dark self; Scarlett Sorceress.

After reading the text message from Klaus, Elijah slowly walks further inside the courtyard, but suddenly, he stops upon sensing someone.

Suddenly, Elijah grunts in agony pain upon being stabbed in his lower back with a branch containing thorns from a rose-bush by Scarlett Sorceress.

Suddenly, Elijah grunts in agony pain upon being stabbed in his lower back with a branch containing thorns from a rose-bush by Scarlett Sorceress

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{Scarlett Sorceress Outfit}

"Hello, Elijah." Scarlett Sorceress greeted her brother-in-law with a straight face.

"Christiana?" Elijah said, and falls onto the floor of the courtyard, and faints.

"One down, Kol and Rebekah to go." Scarlett Sorceress said, crouched down to him, and teleports them both away in red dust.



Scarlett Sorceress teleports herself and Elijah on the floor in the aisle.

Elijah's phone buzzes in my suit pants pocket. And Scarlett Sorceress pulls out his phone and looks at it.


Scarlett Sorceress grins, and answers Elijah's phone. "Hi, Klaus."

"Christy? Where's Elijah?" Klaus asked.

"Suffering with a branch with thrones from a rose bush." Scarlett Sorceress told him on the phone. "Ever since, Marcel took the serum, his blood is only thing that can destroy an Original." and she looks at Elijah and puts his phone on speakerphone. "Say hi to Klaus, Elijah."

Scarlett Sorceress gently twists the branch, which is embedded into Elijah's lower back, causing him to shout in agony pain.

Scarlett Sorceress takes Elijah's phone off speakerphone. "Elijah says "Hi" by his agony pain shout."

"Christy? I know you're hurt, but whatever anger or rage that you have. You can take it out upon me." Klaus said on the phone.

"I am taking it out on you, Klaus. I'm taking it out on Elijah, and then, Kol and Rebekah. I was gonna destroy Freya, but Mathias and Nikole needs her. So, she's lucky." Scarlett Sorceress said to her husband on the phone.

"You really think by hurting Elijah, Rebekah and Kol, is gonna do you any good? I know you, Christy. This isn't who you are." Klaus said.

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