"I swear my unwavering loyalty to you Master... but something feels wrong"

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Much further into the enemy territory, a game of influence was afoot. The precarious balance of the Lostbelt was only maintained through neither side gaining a major victory over the other.

In the Tsar's castle, one such faction, represented by the invincible duchess, was mulling over her options, along with her Master, a white haired teenager who seemed way over his head with what he had to deal with. His dirty and tattered clothes showed a semblance of eagerness at work, way buried under his exhaustion.

"Different or not doesn't matter. The Master of Chaldea is an enemy, you can't seriously think I will cooperate with him." His movements were erratic, which contracted with the icy calm of the duchess in front of him.

"Weighing our options, it seems like the best choice in our hands. We have a safe and reliable way to get rid of the King." At the mention of his title, the boy snapped his head around.

"Anastasia, the walls have ears!" He exclaimed, his nerves forcing him to take a rest on the wall.

"He's right, you know?" From the very spot he was leaning on, a black substance covered the wall, until it reached human height, the master jumped back, only to have his back hitting Stuff, who was right in front of Anastasia. "It's called subverting expectations, never fun for the one on the receiving end, which is why I enjoy it." He glanced at the boy, who now had his back on the same wall that gate used to be.

"What are you?" The boy said, trying to regain his composure.

"I'm Stuff." He stated, waiting for the boy to continue the conversation.

"Don't even think I'll give you my name. We aren't friends, and in fact, I don't even need you." He said, putting up a brave front.

"Bold stance, considering every option you have will end in defeat." Stuff proclaimed, hands in pockets.

"I'll figure it out." Anastasia's Master glared at Stuff, who didn't pay much mind to it.

"Wonder how. You're stuck in a deadlock against a man you desperately need on your side and Chaldea has arrived, ready to pick you both off. What kind of legendary plan can you pull off?"

"Chaldea is no threat." The boy snarked.

"Or so you think. It took me an entire day to defeat a single servant from Chaldea. And yet, it took me a minute to get to the heartland of this Lostbelt." With this statement, Anastasia made the first move, summoning Viy. However, before she could make her move, a black dome covered her.

"With my command seal, I order you-" The boy tried to free his servant but he lost control of his arm, launching himself to the wall.

Units surrounded the Master's position, alerted by the noise of struggle. In a snap of his finger, Stuff created a wall with his mana, separating him and his foes from the magical beings.

"Two steps ahead. I am always two steps ahead." Stuff manipulated the mana binding his fellow Master, making sure he was fully restrained. "So, I suppose you get the point. This isn't a deal, this is... charity. You and your servant are useful, but not necessary."

"Then why are you going through the effort of getting us in?"

The beast shrugged. "I can tell you're as interested in this Lostbelt business as I am. Which means, not at all. I just thought we could make a great duo, and then go on our own wacky adventures while everyone works on this thing."

"I don't need your pity. I'll show you, I'll show everyone that I shouldn't be counted out yet!" Despite his precarious situation, his eyes shone brightly.

"Is he always such a head case?" Stuff removed the dome trapping Anastasia, who didn't seem phased by the ease at which she got taken out of the fight.

"I believe this is part of his charm." She replied to Stuff, embarrassing her master in the process.

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