"I am eternally grateful, Master. For more than you think."

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The Fourth of July is a very important date in world history. It is a day known as Foundation Day where Stuff, making use of his near infinite energy to create the world. Well, he basically stole the Lostbelt creation system and expanded on it really. But that's neither here nor there.

Foundation Day has, just like an awful lot of days, is cause for an all day long celebration. For the first time this week, Chaldea was bursting with energy as every servant and staff member was partying, all according to Stuff's law. Except for one servant who's been wandering away before lunch.

This is the story of why Stuff is stalking Helena, who's happily skipping along, living her own life. Or at least that's what we're rolling with. Crawling on the walls, in a dark liquid form, Stuff was unnoticeable and this slow chase stopped near Helena's room.

The room was locked, and every code of common decency would forbid him from entering Helena's room, not only is it breaching a woman's intimity, also it's basically trespassing.

So anyway, Stuff infiltrated the room with no real trouble only to notice a much less energetic ambiance than what was happening back at the cafeteria. A reality marble was set up for the sake of a tea party. On one side of the table was Helena, on the other was an unknown figure, with a face eerily similar to Jeanne's, but her body had a few... noticeable differences.

"No need to be shy Stuff. We were just talking about you." Stuff was about to leave, but he respected the invitation, while Helena's smile only grew wider as the Master formed out of the goo.

"So you could see me all along?" Stuff straightened up his tie and moved to the table, creating a chair out of nothing.

"I knew you would come here. You tend to get worried about your servants." Helena served her Master while the stranger looked at him with interest.

"This is the Master you've been talking about, miss Blavatsky?" The stranger and Stuff stared each other down.

"Exactly, this man is probably best suited to figure out your issues." Helena then looked at Stuff. "This girl is named Artoria. According to her own words, she comes from another world, with no relation to this one."

This name struck a bell. He could almost make out the memory of a drunken knight unleashing hell at the reminiscence of the name. Stuff quickly discarded the thought and focused on the matter at hand.

"And what's her deal?" Stuff rested his head on the table.

After he said that, a blinding light surrounded the reality marble, which changed into an empty white room, where only Stuff and Artoria remained.

"Apologies for my rudeness, but I can't bring myself to trust miss Blavatsky."

"And somehow you can trust me." Stuff's interest was piqued, mainly for the reason that he can't get a proper read on this Artoria girl.

"I can see you for your overwhelming power. I also know you're not a human, or a fairy. You are something completely different." Artoria gauged the master's reaction, to see he was definitely being cautious.

"I can also see how exceptionally pure of mind you are. This is why I offer you my full trust." Artoria extended her hand. "I would like to ask you for temporary shelter, until I'm finally strong enough to fulfill the prophecy!" She bowed, anticipating the results.

Stuff scratched his head before offering his response. "I have a contract with this entity: the Foreign God. I can't get overly involved with this whole Lostbelt business."

"This makes sense. Sorry for wasting your time." Artoria was dejected, and with a thump of her staff dispelled her reality marble, getting Helena back among them.

"But, if I were to make a contract with a servant who just happened to be involved in this whole Lostbelt business, surely I can plead plausible deniability." Artoria was beaming, but was still attempting to relativize the whole situation.

"Are you sure!? It's just... this Foreign God person sounds very dangerous. I don't want you to lose everything."

Stuff put his hand on top of Artoria's head, rubbing it to the point her head was shaking all over the place.

"You don't need to think about that. Those are my problems, and nobody else's. Now come along, we still have a party to do." Stuff moved forward while Artoria struggled to keep up and Helena resorted to her Noble Phantasm to catch up to her Master.

"By the way Master. She will be working with me on solving your mystery. She told me she was real interested in you." Helena gossiped, which caused Artoria to dash forward in a mad embarrassment.

"W-w-why did you say that!?" She flailed around.

"I can't help it. I'm so hard to trust after all." Artoria was squealing like a kettle while the other two were having a lot of fun.

"You heard that!?" At that point, Artoria didn't know how to react anymore.

"That's the first time I've seen you hold a grudge." Stuff pointed out.

"She's just so adorable when she gets flustered."

And thus, they made it to the party, adding in a new guest. By the end of it, property damage went through the roof and Chaldea was probably at war with a few races from other dimensions. A fulfilling day indeed.


Imagine starting the 5th anniversary without the brand new meta unit. Couldn't be me.

By the way, Castoria has such a complicated lore, I'm not even sure the bits I've thrown in are even accurate

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By the way, Castoria has such a complicated lore, I'm not even sure the bits I've thrown in are even accurate. Maybe this chapter will be updated whenever Avalon Le Fay drops.

Until there, I have a few spooks to go through, and the whole GSSR deal so, see you soon.

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