"Of course I'll fight with you, not as a Master but as someone who loves you!"

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On this day, Holmes' house filled with the sounds of violin. He was playing one of his own compositions that he had made in less than half an hour. This song was unlike any he had played, or even listened to before. It was a rather soft sound, with many drawn out notes, going on a soft, yet steady crescendo as more and more of the room soaked in the music. After the performance, he put down his bow, as if to enjoy the very last instant of his own music as a spectator.

"What a lovely spectacle." The only other person in the room, applauding the performance, was none other than Mash Kyrielight, Shielder servant and central piece of this mystery. The Stuff problem had taken quite the proportions, with the strange master not fully in line with Chaldea's policies, and with the mystery surrounding him, the best option would most likely be a prompt riddance, and Holmes was unsure if he would be enough to finish off the man.

"Why thank you. And allow me to reiterate my appreciation. Your patience has been remarkable, despite the fact I prompted you in myself." Holmes' manner flustered the purplette, who was fiddling with her characteristic bang.

"Oh no no, I read your assistant's books. I know you need these moments when you're in one of your investigations."

Holmes smiled fondly. "I always found Watson's literary approach to be a disservice to my methods, but if this side of me stuck with you, then I suppose it has its advantages." He slowly shifted his position, crouching until his elbows were on his lap, with his hands in a triangle shape in front of him. "But this is no time to reminisce, I'm afraid. Chaldea is facing the sort of threat which could kill us all if not dealt with on the shortest notice."

This shift in attitude caused Mash to tense up as well. After leaving an instant of silence for the news to set in, Holmes continued. "I do hope you have noticed something rather strange concerning your Master."

Mash was confused, this was not a good thing. Mash's constitution made her quite the gray area when it came to this particular spell. If she wasn't aware of the changes, not only would this mean Holmes is truly alone, but he had also revealed to Mash, and possibly Stuff, that he was on his trail, which would have compromised the whole investigation. Holmes didn't like to take such risks, but time was running short, and he couldn't spare the weeks it would take to guarantee his success.

"Let's start with something basic. Do you know your Master's name?" This was the question that would determine whether or not Mash was a lost cause, and if she was, he would have to take some... unpleasant actions.

"Of course, his name is Stuff." Mash answered with certainty.

"I meant his full name. Stuff is an unremarkable human being. And as such, he has a last name." Mash opened her mouth, about to answer again, but no sound came out. She thought, racking her memories to the point of pain. Nothing. She was getting noticeably paler. This was supposed to be very well known information. So why didn't she know it? The more she thought about it, the more such contradictions came to her.

"So it seems you were also kept fairly safe from the affliction that reached all of Chaldea. That's a good thing, because I will need your help to fight it." Holmes had taken on a more laid back position.

"But what is this thing keeping me from remembering Senpai? Mash responded, a hint of worry in her voice.

"From what I have gathered, this spell has taken memories from your master because it is situated inside his body. This affliction is what has taken the name of Stuff and infiltrated the Border."

"What does the spellcaster want from us? And who even is it?" Mash asked further, trying to wrap her head around this situation.

"The only logical culprit would be Koyanskaya herself. Aside from the duchess, she was the only other person present during the attack on Chaldea. And it seems unlikely the duchess needs a pawn like Stuff. She seems to be more like one to take care of things herself. Furthermore, judging by how quickly Chaldea has been dominated, and the amount of intel they gathered, it seems unlikely they brought anything that our surveillance systems couldn't notice." Holmes continued his deductions, hoping the information would be enough to sway the Shielder.

FGO Stuffजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें