Chapter 19 [Book 2]

Start from the beginning

His hand then shifted to reach for my cheek as he placed a kiss on my forehead, then my nose, my cheek and then he hovered above my lip.

"All I wish is for today to be the start of a perfect life together. Y/N."


"Would you do me the honours of being my partner to the Christmas Ball and allowing me to court you until the day we marry?"

A tear fell down my face as I closed the gap between us and didn't stop until he pulled me away laughing. 

"I need an answer, my love."


I exclaimed before throwing my arms around him and embracing him into another kiss, the sparks had returned and I felt as if I was floating on air. 

"Accio", he mumbled, then his broom, decorated with Slytherin pride came to his hand as he let it float. His hands wrapped around my waist and with a tight grip, he lifted me up and gently place me on the back of the broom as he placed a kiss on my cheek.

I giggled, "such a gentleman."

He winked at me, "I try."

Getting on the broom himself, he allowed the broom to float up slowly before taking off. I laughed with glee since we don't have flying classes this year and I haven't been on the broom much since becoming a prefect.

"This is amazing!"

It was hard to hear with the wind whipping past, but I could watch his shoulders shake up and down, indicating he released a deep, hearty laugh.

Once we were high enough, I took a moment of silence to feel the wind caressing my face, and my hair and the gentle breeze grazing my arms. I couldn't believe how long it has been since I rode a broom, looking down at the beautiful view of Hogwarts. 

I absentmindedly wrapped my arms around Sebastian's waist as I leaned in, resting the side of my head against his back. 

"You know", he started, pulling my head back to give my full attention, but a hand reached to my back and push me to my previous position.



I could feel him lean forward to go slightly faster as we dove down and landed near part of the Black Lake, which underlooked Hogwarts, the castle looking much larger than I had thought. 

"I always used to come here anytime I needed to be alone", I stared at him, "I came here a lot last year. From Anne to my uncle to Ominis", he looked over to me, "to you. I had never felt anything for anyone before but why was it, that when you came, everything changed."

He sighed and sat down, to which you followed as he shifted and laid his head on your lap with your hand reaching up to pet his hair as you usually do. It seems to be a natural habit for you, but you used to do it a lot when Sebastian would have breakdowns since his uncle had died and Anne stopped talking to him. 

He let out a groan and sunk deeper into your lap if that's possible as he relaxed.

"Y/N", he shifted to look up at me and then there was something about the way he looked at me that compelled me.

"I love you Sebastian", I blurted out and for some reason, I felt cold. 


I retracted my hands back, "oh, I just-"

"I-um, I don't know what to say."

I held my head down, "oh."

I took a few steps, fiddling with my hair and completely avoided all eye contact with him, except for the very few glances to see any form of reaction, but it was nothing. There was nothing from him. 

Until he sighed. 

"I'm sorry, y/n, but I don't know", he let out a frustrated groan, "let's just, let's talk about this another okay?"

He got on the broom and with a slight hand gesture, indicated for me to get on, so I did. The whole ride back to Hogwarts was pure silence, not a single word came out of either of our mouths.

Slowly hovering near the girls' dormitories, I opened the window and carefully entered.

"I'll see you at the ball?"

I gave him a tight and very false small, "mhm."

He released another sigh and leaned down and placed a kiss on my head before flying off. 

"What happened?"

I jumped slightly and turned to see the girls gathered on my bed and everything that I had experienced, all the emotions I had built up on the ride back erupted and I burst into tears as my friends rushed to me and brought me to my bed, allowing me to lay down as they wiped tears, stroked my hair and whispered kind words. 

"Please, Y/N", Anne begged.

"I told him I love him", I choked out.

"Oh sweetie", Violet spoke.

"Want me to jinx his broom?"



I gave a shaky laugh at their antics, "thanks guys, but I think I just want to sleep."

"Of course", and brought me into a group embrace before returning to their beds and with the candles blown out, we all let sleep consume us, at least all of us. 

Even though I wanted to sleep, Sebastian's reaction made me not sleep a wink.

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