"Nice going, Clary." Marianne pats my shoulder proud of standing up to that cheerleader who thinks she's queen. 

I left her with a shocked expression on her face. I smile to myself thinking that she didn't have a comeback to what I said. Why? Because the truth hurts. It hurts like a bitch.

But of course, she acted as if the words like venom didn't do anything to her and sat on Jace's lap. She grabs Jace's face with her hand- that is currently in a shocked expression and began sucking his face off.

Disgusting. I need holy water for my eyes.

School ended with a flash. Like Grant Gustin, my boyfriend in another life. I call my mom to tell her that I would be shopping with Marianne to buy clothes for the party, and like my bestfriend, my mum has been telling me to go to a freaking party.

"Oh my gosh! My baby girl is finally going to get some!" She squealed like a teenager.

And really? She even encourages me to take the chances of getting pregnant and not being able to continue school.

"No mum. I'm not going to get some! I'm just going for Marianne and the food." I tell her.

"Damn it. I hoped." She sounds like a teenager and I sound like a mum. How the world went upside down now.

I walk towards the parking lot seeing my best friend with her car, she rolls down the window and peaks, "Get in loser, we're going shopping!" I was about to get in her car.

Wait, "What about my motorbike?" She sighed and widens her eyes at me. She's asking me if I am stupid or what- with her eyes.

"We're going to get that later when we finish shopping and I'll head to your house." She says to me in a duh tone.

"Now get in!" She shouts at my face. Sometimes, she acts exactly like my mom.

"Alright, alright! The party doesn't even start for four hours!" I say to her. Why in world is she rushing anyways.

"Well, we're going to shop for more than an hour and get ready for one and a half hour so we would look smoking hot! And so you'd get a score with Jace." She winks at me.

Why does everyone wants me to get laid?

We arrive at the mall in less than thirty minutes and went to our favorite shop. I grab a pair of jeans and a chic top. I got the two and went towards my best friend. She gave me a disgusted look. What is it now?

"What? No jeans?" I ask her as I raise the cute pair clothes I got from the rack.

"Definitely not. Ew, where did your sense of fashion go? This is what you should wear." She smirks at me as she raises a black halter top and a black skirt with a rose design on the side. Do you get the picture?

"No. The skirt is too short. And can I just pair the top with ripped jeans? I look like a stripper." I beg her as I point at the shortness of the skirt while she firmly shakes her head in disagreement.

"No, you do not look like a stripper and it's about time you show off that killer legs of yours. Now, would you hurry up and try this on?" She practically pushes me into one of the fitting rooms in the store.

I hurriedly took off my clothes and put the pair on with a sigh. I close my eyes and took a few deep breathes before I face the mirror and open my eyes.

Wow, I am amazed. For the first time in my life I don't look fat wearing these kinds of clothing. 

"Clary, are you done? You're taking forever to get out of there. Hump n dump sister!" My oh-so-lovely-and-caring bestfriend shouts as she bangs on the door.

"Calm down, you two-eyed monster." I groan as I roll my eyes at her for being so impatient.

I finally opened the door. She became utterly shocked within a mere second as her eyes went up and down at my body.

"We are going to buy that. Now, we just need the perfect shoes." She calls the assistant and tells her to find some black pumps that will suit my clothes.

If you don't know, her family owns this shop and a few more clothing lines. She's one hell of a rich kid and that's why she knows a whole lot of stuff about fashion, like what not to wear and what to wear during this kind of occasion and all that.

I'm just an average lady in which her parents own a few food shops and other services for the people in my country.

Her assistant came back with black boots and a pair of pumps. Marianne being Marianne she grabs the pair of black pumps and told me to try it on. I'm not really a big fan of pumps. I'm more of a sneakers type of lady, so as soon as I stand up- wearing the shoes, I wobbled a little bit and grabbed Marianne's hand for support.

I finally let go of her hand as soon as I regained my balance.

"Okay, turn around." Marianne says to me and I did what was I told to do.

A smirk tugged on her lips and clapped her hand, "Alright I'm paying. Because this is for you, okay?" She winked at me and told me to change into my normal clothes. I hurriedly took off the clothes and changed into my comfortable clothes- jeans and a top.

We went back to school to get my motorbike, since its already two hours left before the party starts. I drove back to my house as fast as I could so that Marianne won't give me the pep talk on why should I be fast and spend my time well and all the stuff that I don't want to hear.

And trust me you don't want that to happen to you.

Few minutes later, I got home. It's a good thing I arrived first before her. I quickly took a quick shower and changed into the clothes that she bought for me.

"Sit here." She said gesturing at the chair that is located at my dresser.

"Now close your eyes." I gave her a confused look, "Are you being serious right now?" I ask her.

"Just do it! I'll tell you when to open it and no peeking." I quickly closed my eyes to get this over with. Twenty minutes has passed and she finally told me to open my eyes.

I am really amazed by the things that my bestfriend can do with her make up kit. "Do you like it? Don't say no or I'll kick you out of your own house.

"Now go outside. It's my turn to get ready for the party. Therefore, watch some lame show and please try not to ruin my fabulous work of art." She said as she pushed me outside.

I put on my shoes and some jewelry. I hope this day will end well and that nothing will go wrong once we enter that party.

I hope so.

Author's Note:


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All the love xx
- Maya

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