Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

    "Go up—"

    Hearing an order, several people dressed as businessmen quickly surrounded him, raised their knives and sticks, and slashed at the bodies of A Zheng and Meng Tian.

    Meng Tian kicked over a weak point, stopped the approaching people, and pushed Ah Zheng out of the encirclement: "Run—to find Meng Shang—"

    Ah Zheng ran towards Meng Shang's stall without looking back. He had never felt that he was running so fast before, the looming smell of blood filled his throat, and the sound of chasing footsteps behind him, he just wanted to run faster, faster.

    "Ah—" He tripped over a stone on the road and fell hard to the ground.

    When the blade struck from behind, he rolled on the spot and narrowly escaped.

    He struggled to get up, but there was a severe pain in his ankle, and he fell heavily to the ground.

    The person who came to chase and kill him gave a vicious grin, and the blade struck him head-on.

    A small jar suddenly appeared, and a large amount of red gas faced the face of the pursuer.

    Suddenly, there was a crisp sound, and the back of the knife fell to the ground paved with stones.

    The man sat down and kept rubbing his eyes with his hands, shouting: "Ah—my eyes, my eyes—"

    At the same time, Lin Ju's voice appeared in Ah Zheng's mind: "Run, baby—" Ah

    Zheng glanced at Meng Tian's direction, quickly picked up the knife dropped by the gangster on the ground, and slashed at the man's neck.

    The copper knife was very sharp, and it cut the man's throat in an instant, and a large amount of red blood gushed out and flowed all over the ground. The man tried to stand up and struggle a few times, and opened his mouth to say something, but soon fell silent.


    Ah Zheng endured the severe pain in his ankle, stood up with the power of the copper knife, found a nearby wooden board as a support point, quickly took out the Qin crossbow he was carrying, and touched some of the dirt on the ground. With blood stains, two arrows were shot over the stall where Mengshang was located, and two arrows were shot at the gate tower of Fangshi.

    The animals in the nearby stalls were all restless, walking back and forth in the fence.

    Ah Zheng was heartbroken, endured the pain in his ankle, and opened the fence, and all the cattle and sheep ran out immediately, causing a huge commotion very quickly.

    "Ah Ju, can you lend me the things you used just now?"

    A bottle of anti-wolf spray appeared in front of Ah Zheng immediately. He picked up the spray and ran towards Meng Tian limping.

    I saw Meng Tian from a distance, he was holding a knife in his hand, and he was dealing with the gangsters through the fence.

    Ah Zheng yelled at Meng Tian: "Close your eyes—" At the same time, he threw the spray over vigorously, followed by an arrow, and the anti-wolf spray exploded quickly. Except for Meng Tian, ​​the eyes of other gangsters were instantly irritated. Meng Tian took advantage of this opportunity to make up the sword quickly, and Ah Zheng also helped to make up the arrow in the distance.

    When Mengshang and Fangshi guards arrived, there were only two teenagers and a boy panting back to back in the setting sun, and bloody corpses were left on the scene.

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