5. Despair

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It was several hours past Elsen's usual sleeping time. But rather than being engulfed by drowsiness, he only felt a strong desire to see Henrietta again, despite the fact it had been mere moments since they parted.

Their trip underwater was a fleeting dream that he wished would have lasted forever. He did not want to return her to the land, but midnight had chimed for the magic and he did not wish to risk her safety.

Oh, how he wished to touch her again! Elsen recalled the moment when he held her small frame underwater. He wanted to taste her lips in that instant and then steal her away. A desire for that sweet maiden had almost sent him into a frenzy. He wanted to drag her into the depths of the sea and keep her beside him forever.

But he couldn't do that. Not until later, at least.

Elsen could sense that Henrietta still had reservations about living in the sea. She had yet to fully expose her heart to him, although he was very close to opening those gates.

It was also not possible for him to safely bring Henrietta to his home yet. He lived far below the sea-in the depths where light could not reach. A regular human's body would not be able to handle the pressure there. He needed to brew a specific potion-one that would allow her body to adjust to the different environment.

I must make preparations. I will create a perfect home for her, he resolved.

Although Henrietta had not made any promises, Elsen wanted to ensure that he could take her with him whenever the opportunity came. He had never been so fond of anyone ever before. If he allowed her to slip away, he was sure he would never find another one like her. He was determined to capture her heart and bring her into the sea with him.

She will come willingly one day. I will convince her, Elsen thought with conviction.

* * *

Henrietta plopped onto her bed and let out a long sigh as her eyes fell shut. Her little adventure in the sea with Elsen had left her feeling very sluggish. Curling up and taking a quick nap was a very tempting idea. But it was quite early in the day, and her conscience advised her to avoid wasting daylight.

She squeezed her eyes shut and braced herself as she slapped her cheeks.

No time to waste, Etty. Time to check your email.

Henrietta staggered over to the desk and lifted the upper half of her laptop. The screen flashed and turned on. She sat down and brushed her fingers across the touchpad to navigate to her inbox.

There was a new reply to the email chain on the job opportunity from a few days ago. Henrietta clicked on the email expectantly.

But her heart dropped when she read the contents.

"We have decided to employ the services of another illustrator more suitable for our needs ... We appreciate your time and we thank you for your understanding."

It was a punch to the gut. The expectations that held her foundation crumbled, leaving her to fall into a nightmare. How was she going to pay the bills now? She needed this offer-she had been counting on it.

Then she suddenly recalled something very important that she had been neglecting.

Oh, no. The overdue rent! She lamented.

Henrietta's eyes flickered to the corner of the screen to see the date. She had been so occupied with other matters-namely Elsen-that she had completely forgotten how dire her current situation was.

Guilt pressed her with strong aggression, threatening to topple her down and crush her under its immense weight. Henrietta felt absolutely wretched.

I can't believe I've been so irresponsible. There were so many important things that I needed to take care of. But instead of doing those things, I ran off to play in the sea with a merman.

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