4. Underwater

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The following morning was uneventful. Henrietta received an email with more details regarding the opportunity that was presented to her yesterday. After reviewing their conditions, she agreed to offer her services and sent back a reply regarding payment. Later on, she searched for more work and applied for any job she deemed appropriate. The rest of the day proceeded and ended as usual.

On the promised morning, Henrietta rose from bed much earlier than usual. The sun had yet to appear, but the sky was turning brighter, signaling the approach of dawn.

Henrietta felt groggy from the lack of sleep. She was tempted to remain in bed for just a few more minutes, but the idea of being late for her appointment with Elsen removed any desire to slumber further.

She hopped out of bed, brushed her teeth, got dressed, and grabbed a granola bar as a quick snack. Then she considered checking her email but ultimately decided to leave it for later.

Henrietta grabbed her purse out of habit as she made her way to the door.

Wait. Do I really need my purse with me?

She stopped in her tracks and stared at the purse while debating whether to bring it or not. Then her attention was caught by the electronic tablet resting in the bag.

Elsen did say he wanted to show me something. So, maybe I should show him something too!

She felt a mixture of anxiety and excitement as she imagined his potential reactions. What would he think about digital art? Would he like her drawings? Did merfolk enjoy art, or even make art?

Henrietta skipped over to the bedside table and grabbed a few sketchbooks containing her favorite pieces. Then she fitted them into her bag with great care to avoid wrinkling or bending the pages.

After gathering everything she needed, Henrietta returned to the door and left her home.

* * *

By the time Henrietta arrived at the usual spot, an orange glow lined the horizon. The sun stood just above the sea, scattering specks of golden light across the waves.

Elsen was already waiting beside the cliffs, though he was hiding beneath the water. Once he heard Henrietta's footsteps, he emerged and boosted himself onto the rocks.

"Good morning, Elsen." Henrietta greeted him with a smile as she sat down and folded her legs.

Elsen returned her greeting. "Good morning, Henrietta. I hope you rested well."

"I didn't get to sleep as much as usual, but I'm fine. Wide awake now and ready to see what you've got!" Henrietta responded with enthusiasm.

She glanced over at Elsen and noticed a long, wide strap over his shoulder. A medium-sized brown bag was attached at its end and rested on his side. The woven straps and metal attachments gave it a similar appearance to the ones made by modern people. Henrietta found the sight to be somewhat bizarre.

"Where is that bag from? Was it made by merfolk?" She inquired.

"No, it was not. Merfolk are capable of crafting their own equipment and tools. However, there are several materials that we cannot obtain from the sea. Therefore, scavenging remains a popular activity amongst the merfolk. Anything of use is either kept or traded." Elsen lifted the bag and rotated it in front of Henrietta to give her a better view. "This bag happens to be one amongst many scavenged goods."

"Maybe I could bring you a gift sometime then!" Henrietta said as she clapped her hands together. "Is there anything you'd want?"

Elsen rejected her offer without a second thought. "You need not worry about me. I have all I need."

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