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"Shush!" An unknown voice hissed. My eyes shot open, revealing Calum, Ashton, and Michael staring down at Luke and I.

I shot up, ready to beat all their Australian asses. My fists were clenched in front of me, ready to throw a punch.

All I got was laughter. Calum mocked my actions, making me punch his fairly muscular arm.

"Ouch!" He groaned. I got off the couch. Luke was still half awake and half asleep.

"This is amazing!" Michael laughed. I looked up from Luke and saw that Michael had been recording us on his phone.

"MICHAEL!" I shrieked. He only chuckled. My hands reached out for the phone. Michael swiftly moved it out of the way and continued laughing at me.

I was just about to jump over the couch and attack Michael, when Luke's strong hands grabbed me by the waist and held me down.

"Woah there, Beck!" Luke exclaimed, his voice still deep and groggy.

"Let me go! I need to kill Michael!" I spat, struggling to get out of his impressively strong hold.

The other boys came around the other side of the couch to get a better view of me-helplessly struggling.

"Oooo! Luke and Becky seem to be getting a bit close!" Calum joked. I gave up and let Luke win this one....or so he thought.

Luke had let his guard down, letting me push him off in a swift motion.

Once Luke was off me, I snatched Michael's phone, who was still in awe--along with the rest of the boys--that I had managed to push the Luke Hemmings off of me. Then, I ran up to my room, locking the door behind me.

Footsteps came up the stairs, but it was too late. I had already deleted the video.

"Oi! Give me 'mah phone back!" Michael yelled from the other side. I smirked and slid the phone under the door. "Ugh, she deleted it!"

"Good," Luke's faint voice confirmed. "Becky-"

Luke was cut off my mom's voice.

"What is going on up there?!" Her voice rang throughout the whole house.

"Shit," I muttered, quickly slipping on skinny jeans and a sweatshirt that were laid out on my bed. The boys must have taken it out last night.

I rushed out, pushing all the boys out of the way, and started heading downstairs.

"Hi mom!" I greeted quickly as we ran into eachother at the bottom of the staircase.

"What's going-" She stopped herself as she saw the four boys looking down from the top of the stairs. Everyone stayed silent. Michael's chuckle cut through the awkward silence.

"What's so funny?" I barked at him. He put his hands up defensively.

"I didn't have anything to do with this. I just dropped by to say 'hi' and I find two guys in her room while she's snuggling downstairs with Luke." He finished with a laugh. My mom raised her eyebrow at me.

"That is not how--okay maybe that's how it looked--" I stopped and took in a deep breath.

I explained most of last nights events. Finding Ashton a bit....unstable. Crashing at my place. Luke being suffocated by T-shirts.

"Well....that sounded...interesting." My mom concluded. "I made breakfast, you guys seem hungry."

Everyone nodded and started heading to the kitchen. I was just beyond relieved that she didn't say anything about me sleeping with Luke.

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