"Honestly they wouldn't tell me. All they asked for was your contact information." Luz frowned at Arely's statement.

"Well what did you do?" She asked.

"I wouldn't give it to them unless I got the okay from you. If I had known you were waiting for them to ask, maybe, but you never said anything."

"Yeah. I wasn't." Luz answered. "I mean, I guess you can give it to them."

"Okay. I'll get right on that." Arely said. "Tell the kids I'll see them in a bit. Bye, Luz."

Luz said a quick bye back and the phone went silent. She glanced at the device in confusion. Why was anyone from the royal advisors calling for her? It was not like she had anything to do with the royals or the government. She was a nanny for two kids; what could she have possibly done?

A sudden thought about having met with the prince came to her head. Her shoulders dropped with the realization. Could it be the prince who was asking about her information? Ridiculous, absolutely preposterous.

Unless? No, no. That was dumb to think about.

She was a random person from a city two hours away from the capitol. What could a prince possibly want with a girl like that? She shook her head, pocketing her phone and going back to watching the kids play in the sun.

Luz had been sitting on the couch watching the news play in the background. She had gotten home fairly early, so it had been nice to take a bit of time off and just relax before the weekend.

"Prince Roland gave a great speech yesterday at St Timothy's graduation. He honored all the graduates and even came out to say that he too had been studying at a university." The anchor lady began.

The tv screen showed the Prince standing at the podium, reciting the speech he gave.

"Arely said some royal advisors wanted my phone number." Luz spoke out, thinking maybe her mom was listening from the kitchen.

"Royal advisors?" Susanna frowned, shaking her head.

"Maybe it was a scam." She shrugged.

Luz frowned, glancing over at her mother.

"Arely said that it was her boss they had called. I would assume the embassy would know if it was fake or not." Luz said.

"What did you do?" Susanna asked.

"Arely called me first to ask me if it was okay."

Luz's mother interrupted. "Or to make sure you didn't do anything wrong." She scoffed.

"I'm positive I didn't. At least not enough to get the attention of the government." Luz got up from the couch, moving to the kitchen.

Susanna chuckled, looking up from her phone.

"What did they want then?"

Luz shrugged. "I don't know. They have yet to contact me." She had been looking at her phone; even going as far as checking her email just in case they would contact her through that too.

Just as Luz settled to put her phone down it began to ring, the caller ID clearly indicating it was a government number calling. Luz looked at her mother who was staring at the phone.

"Should I answer?" Luz asked.

"I don't know!" Susanna scoffed. Luz took a couple more seconds before ultimately picking up the phone.

"Hello?" She cleared her throat.

"Hello, is this Lucero Molina?" She furrowed her eyebrows, looking back at her mother for help.

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