03| The Meeting

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Luz was made to return to work the following day seeing as the graduation was on a Thursday. Fridays for the children were a lot more serene due to the kids' parents getting home much earlier. Luz took the time to take the kids to the park that day, seeing as the weather was nice. The sky was a bright blue and the sun was warming them just enough to wear a short sleeve t-shirt and some pants.

Javi was enjoying his time out in the sun in his stroller, as Niki ran ahead to start climbing on the jungle gym.

"Alright Javi, let's go sit on the grass. Need to boost the immune system up."

The boy giggled as his feet touched the soft ground, glancing back at his nanny. Luz smiled sweetly, patting his head softly. Before Luz noticed, Javi had sprinted off, chasing after his big sister who was already climbing up some stairs to reach the slide.

Luz followed behind them at a close distance, wanting them to learn how to be independent from grown ups. Javi squatted down to climb up the stairs, while Luz moved to watch both of the children.

"Are you looking, Luz?" Niki yelled over the railing, preparing to go down.

"Yes, I'm looking." The girl called, chuckling to herself.

"Come on, Javi. You can do it!" She moved to the smaller slides, hoping to catch Javi's attention away from the bigger ones to avoid injury.

The three-year-old was fascinated, seeing the girl waiting for him at the end of the straight slide. He lowered himself down, laughing loudly as he slid to the bottom. Luz laughed, picking up the boy when he had reached her. Just as she set him back down, her phone began to ring. She hastily put Javi down, glancing at the caller ID. She frowned her eyebrows, clicking the green button when she noticed it was Arely calling.

"Hello?" Luz answered.

"Hi, Luz. How is everything going?" Arely's chirpy voice came through the speaker.

"It's going well. I took the kids out to the park after lunch. It's a nice day today." Luz smiled.

She stood off to the side of the playground, making sure to keep the kids in her view.

"Do you need anything?" Luz asked Arely.

"No. No. I don't need anything," The woman said. "There was just something I wanted to ask you."

Luz furrowed her eyebrows. "Of course. What is it?"

"Well, you see, I got a very interesting call today in the office." Arely was speaking

slowly, which only made Luz frown. "And...uh...it was about you."

Luz's eyes went wide. "About me?" She interrupted.

Luz began to panic, thinking she had maybe done something that would cause her to be fired from taking care of the kids.

"Nothing bad!" Arely quickly said, hearing the worry in Luz's voice.

"Nothing that would make me question you." Luz sighed in relief. "At least not about you taking care of my kids."

This only made Luz go back to worrying.

"Then what was it about?" She was starting to get anxious, which only made Arely chuckle.

"I got a call from the royal advisors. Well, my boss got a call from them." The woman explained.

"Apparently, they were asking for you."

Luz's jaw fell open. "For me?" She asked astounded.

"What do they want with me?" She continued.

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