Chapter 8 - Hello, again

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Angelo hang up the phone and kept on driving.

He had asked Marco to accompany him to the café.

He needed to meet the waitress, but he figured it would be better if a familiar face introduced them. Their first meeting had been unconventional, and quite unfortunate.

He wanted to see her. To hear her voice. It was embarrassing, acting like a teenager with a crush, but he couldn't help himself.

Now that he knew who she was, he asked Giovanni to search for any information he could find on her. He could tell his interest was making Marco uneasy, but he still wanted to learn anything there was to know about her.

Even if Marco wasn't the one sharing the information.

He parked outside and left his car, walking in the place, his eyes scanning for her.

He found her, serving a company of men with a smile on her face, oblivious to the way half of them were checking her out.

It would be so incredibly easy to gauge their eyes out and make sure they would never be able to see her again.

He inhaled slowly through his nose, ignoring the sight and trying to remain calm. He turned his head until his gaze found Marco in the back and he paced to the table.

"Ciao, fratello." He greeted.

"Ciao, capo." Marco offered a small smile.

Angelo sat down on the chair opposite him and unbuttoned his suit jacket. He leaned back and crossed his arms, his knees spread apart, and looked back in her direction.

"È bellissima." He said in a low voice.
(She is gorgeous)

Marco chuckled and turned to look at Alice who was still smiling brightly.

"Davvero." He agreed. Alice was indeed very beautiful.

After a short pause, Marco spoke again.

"So, ready to order?" He looked to Angelo, who was still following the young woman with his eyes.

"Si." He replied and turned to Marco, who lifted his hand to ask Alice to come over to the table.

She caught glimpse of his hand and smiled, walking to him, but her lips fell in a straight line as she took in the figure by his side. She continued to approach the table apprehensively.

She stood in front of them and looked between the two men in confusion. Marco felt a pang of guilt for not disclosing he knew the man she had told him about earlier. That they were actually friends. He could see the question in her eyes. And the slightest flicker of betrayal as well.

"Hello, gentlemen. My name is Alice and I will be your server for the day. Are you ready to order?" She recited her usual line with a tremble in her voice. She was upset at Marco and, though she wouldn't actively show it in front of the familiar stranger watching her, she was certain Marco figured it out on his own with her addressing him that way.

Marco's brows furrowed and he opened his mouth to speak.
"Alice.." he sighed but couldn't bring himself to explain with both of them present.

"Ciao di nuovo, bambina."
(Hello again, doll.)

Angelo took it upon himself to fill the silence. Alice turned to him, enjoying the way his tongue caressed the words he was speaking. She didn't understand a word, but it sounded beautiful.

"An espresso. No sugar." He ordered watching her like a wolf.

"Alright." She all but whispered, taking note of the order.

"And you, sir?" Alice continued, turning to Marco again, failing to completely mask her irritation.

Angelo quirked a brow and smirked looking at how uncomfortable his friend seemed, fiddling with his fingers and trying to escape her judging eyes for a second or two.

"I-um.. Milkshake. Strawberry and chocolate, just like you used to have it when you were little." Marco said lifting his gaze and brows to look at her, hoping it would soften her anger.

Her annoyance drained from her face, replaced by a soft blush instead.

Angelo stared as she scribbled everything down. The soft blush looked perfect on her skin, but he didn't like how he wasn't the reason behind it this time.

"Grazie." He voiced huskily before she lightly bowed her head and left the two men alone again. But not before stealing another glance at him.

"Mi odia" Marco muttered covering his face with his palms.
(She hates me.)

"Maybe she does" Angelo answered chuckling, his eyes on Alice again.
"You do realize you didn't introduce us, correct?" He continued.

"Yes.. I promise I will before her shift ends. Just gimme some time, I obviously hadn't thought this through." Marco sighed, still covered by his hands, his words coming out muffled.

They made small talk untill Alice brought their drinks over. She placed the tray on a nearby table and grabbed the drinks. She placed the milkshake in front of Marco, frowning and glaring at him. Then she turned to put the coffee cup on the other side of the table, a pair of large hands stopped her own.

She glanced up and into his beautiful dark eyes that were looking straight into hers and his fingers grazed hers before he took hold of the drink. She blushed a cherry shade, before retrieving her hands.

That felt intense and forbidden for some reason.

She hurriedly grabbed the tray and rushed away from the table, feeling flustered and trying to calm her nerves and return to her normal color.

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