"Oops!" I cover my hand over my mouth. He glares at me and as soon as the rest no longer pay attention to us, I flash him a smirk.

He clenches his jaw. "Is it my turn now?" He says.

"Yes it is indeed." Father replies.

He hits it over the net and makes yet another point of course, without even trying to look like it was a struggle.

Show off.

"My turn." I sing as I push him aside when the ball comes flying back. I swing back the racket and hit it with all my might. It shoots over the line, way too far.

It lands to the other side of the lawn. "Well I guess this game is not one of my many talents." I giggle.

The rest if the day Nicholas didn't say a word to me and in general.

Dinner was him sending glares at me from across the table and me smiling overly sweet at him.

Dinner is my favourite time of the days, since I get to eat the strawberry cake the chef makes for my ever single day. And has done for the last few years.

We both stand in front of one another and bow at each other and our parents, as I walk past him I 'accidentally' step on his foot.

"Ouch!" He exclaims. "I'm so sorry, excuse me." I put on my best worried-looking face, mother's head whips towards me "Look at were you step!...dear." She smiles awkwardly at the way she almost disciplined me in front of our royal quests.

As soon as everyone turns away to chat about whatsoever, I evilly smirk at him. "Goodnight prince Nicholas the third." I turn my back to him and leave the room quietly.

After dinner I call Estelle to my room and explain my little, and if I say so myself, brilliant plan.

If I can't change mother's mind, maybe he can? What if I make him so crazy, even others see we can't possibly get married. I mean it's for the sake of the kingdom...right?

My stomach rumbles, I know I have servants, but some times even princesses like to grab their own late night snacks.

I walk down the dark corridor with a candle holder in left my hand, the only thing that brings light in this space, except for a crack in the door at the end of the hallway, that some light spills out of.

I avoid each floorboard that creaks, I know them all too well. This isn't the first time I snuck out. I quietly make my way to the door, the chatting getting more clear the closer I get.

"Father she's crazy." A familiar cocky voice says.

"Nonsense boy, if you can't handle a princess how do you expect do handle any woman? They're the most disciplined."

"Not this one. She's trying to get under my skin."

"What are you talking about?"  I hear footsteps patting around.

"She's doing things to make me angry, like with tennis earlier."

"Not everyone is good at sports son, especially women. They don't play often, you can't blame her for that." I can hear the annoyance in his voice.

"And when she stepped on my foot."

"Oh for god's sake, you're just making things up now that was an accident, she apologised."

He huffs "Father it wasn't you, should've seen the way she looked at me, please you can't make me marry her. For the sake of our kingdoms and the sake of my mental health."

"I will hear no more of it, we have been here for merely two days!" With that I hear the footsteps getting louder.

I quickly hide behind a pillar against the wall. I watch as the king passes by me without noticing my presence.

The light suddenly leaves the hallway, it's now pitch-black. The door closed.

I hear another set of footsteps going the other direction of my room. I turn back to my room and make a step forward to make my exit.

A loud creak fills the air. I guess I didn't know about this floorboard.

The footsteps stop. Is he gone or did he stop walking? I am afraid to turn around as the footsteps move again. Are the coming closer or is it just my mind playing tricks on me?

I keep my body so stiff, I could be a statue.

A hand suddenly grabs my arm and spins my around. "I don't know what you're trying to do, but two can play this game, Victoria Levine the second." He spits my full name like it's venom. He lets go of my arm and hastily struts away, making a B-line towards his chamber.

I stay frozen. Totally flabbergasted and rubbing my arm were he grabbed it. It didn't really hurt, but my skin bruises easily.

Should I be scared? Or was that just an empty threat?

I make my way to my own chamber, Estelle still waiting on me.

He caught me so off guard I forgot to grab my food.

Darn it.

The courting trapWhere stories live. Discover now