Ridiculously Jealous (Killjoy x Viper)

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Ridiculously Jealous

The hiss of the Vulture's ramp opening echoed throughout the hangar, which was followed by a metallic thud upon touching the ground. Footfalls of disembarking operatives soon came, visually introducing a couple of agents of the Protocol, who all looked entirely exhausted by their recent field operation.

Posture rigidly straight and arms crossed in front of his chest, Brimstone had his expression set in that same critical, scowl-like look that he always wore whenever they held their briefings or when it was time to greet those that returned from their latest assignment. The subtle way his shoulders slightly slackened and how his jaw evidently unclenched itself at the sight of the agents looking tired yet seemingly untouched by any severe wounds.

"Brimstone." Sage, who led the group in and out of the incursion, greeted the old man, offering a nod and a lighthearted look.

"Sage." Brimstone returned with a nod. "Everyone well and accounted for?"

"Yes. Though there have been a few stumbles here and there, we are all here nonetheless."

"Good to see everyone back in one piece." Brimstone said, his next statement remaining untold as he observed Yoru grumble about the annoying 'toys' that belonged to the Legion's Killjoy and Raze, while Jett muttered about how the tools of the enemy Cypher's were much more irritating than the ones mentioned initially. "You two doing alright over there?"

Yoru only stared back at Brimstone before he let out a sigh and shook his head, walking off and likely heading off to retire in his quarters. As for Jett, she copied Sage and approached Brimstone, grumbling a few words in her native language before she ultimately said, "Just peachy, old man."

"Peachy, huh?" Brimstone shifted his gaze to Killjoy, who was also disembarking from the Vulture, hoping the healer would elaborate some more on what else Jett could mean by her short answer. The wind runner didn't seem to have any intention of saying any more, seeing that she was already trailing after Yoru to take her much needed rest as well. "Care to shine some light on what happened?"

Killjoy, who seemed a bit distracted, jumped slightly at the query, pushing her glasses back up her nose and fixing the green beanie on her head, which was significantly crooked on its perch on her head. "Ah, right. Peachy, yes."

Brimstone raised an eyebrow at the reply, letting his stare hold for a few seconds before it trailed back to Sage, who good-naturedly sighed and gave Killjoy a pat on the shoulder. "Why don't you rest like the others? Debriefing can wait for tomorrow."


"And so can your reports." Sage smoothly cut off and added, giving Killjoy a knowing look before finally giving her a literal yet slight push.

Killjoy offered a meek apologetic smile to Brimstone, knowing her relatively dazed state didn't help answer his query at all. The techie bid them a wave of goodbye before taking her departure as well, leaving Brimstone to once again return his attention to the healer.

Sage gave a resigned smile before nodding, gesturing for Brimstone to walk with her. The man nodded and moved to walk alongside her, but not without waiting for Sova, who was apparently standing behind the healer all this time. He walked between both the initiator and the sentinel, the three of them heading in the direction where the briefing room could be found. Rather than waiting to reach said location though, both Sage and Sova decided to tell Brimstone about the operation they finished.

"Where do we begin?" Sova asked, earning a shake of Sage's head. "The mission has been accomplished, but it became rather complicated in the middle."

Brimstone gave a short hum at Sova's statement, turning to Sage yet again to further what he was told. "What happened?"

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