Recombinant 007 (Various)

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Recombinant 007
Pairings: Viper x Killjoy / Reyna x Sage / Fade x Neon

Weight pinning her down, needles pricking through her skin repeatedly, indignant shouts and yells contradicting with the whispers that deafened her with its distorted chorus. It was pure chaos of resounding noises and tumultuous torture. The fear that manifested it was the freshest one the dream seer consumed and it was that sole reason alone why she was suffering through it.

There was a distant tune in the midst of the disarray of terror. Fade tried seeking for it, whether through the sense of sound or vision. No matter how hopeless it seemed to find whatever it was causing the nearly mute yet distinct sound, the Turkish woman persisted.

Her tenacity paid off after much struggle. It felt like hours passed with her doing nothing but fighting the darkness she herself wielded. Eventually, she awakened from her nightmarish slumber with a sharp and desperate gasp, the origin of the aforementioned melody she was desperately chasing after earlier finally unveiled.

It was her laptop. The tech's small speakers were playing its default tacky tone, the clear notification on the screen showing Fade how she had a call attempting to connect through her earpiece.

Fade let out a groan, unsure if she should be thankful for the literal wake-up call or not. She reached over to the bedside table, plucking her earpiece from its charging port and slipping it in her ear before lightly tapping a finger on the touch-sensitive sensor on the device.


"Hello?" came a little boy's voice. "Helloooo?"

The sleep addling Fade diminished quicker when she sat up and started asking herself who on Earth would give a child access to a communication apparatus akin to the ones the agents of the Protocol used. Unsurprisingly, she swiftly identified the person on the other line, which was none other than Luthor and Yu Zyn. The latter's much higher pitched voice could be heard in the background, telling Luthor to ask if it was his or her mother on Fade's end.

"Is this Agent Viper's phone?"


"Agent Killjoy's?"



"It's also not Agent Reyna's or Sage's."

"Oh..." There was a quiet rustle from the children's channel, both voices of Luthor and Yu Zyn reaching the mic's gain radius. "What now?"


"They said it's not them."

"Who are they, then?" Yu Zyn asked, sounding as disappointed as Luthor. "Did they say their name?"

Finding no harm in doing so, especially since she technically mentioned her codename already to Yu Zyn the previous evening, Fade introduced herself by saying, "It's Fade."

Again, there was another round of rustling, this one sounding like Luthor handed off the earpiece they seemed to have stolen from another agent. Fade assumed it belonged to Neon. One brief moment of quiet crackling later, Yu Zyn's voice came in loud and clear.

"Who's this?"

"It's Fade." The Turkish operative repeated herself. "What're you and Luthor doing? And where did you get the earpiece?"

Rather than answering any of her questions, Yu Zyn relayed her words to Luthor, which the boy then told her to say they got it from Neon before prompting the daughter of the Mexican and the Chinese to ask who exactly she was. Clearly, Yu Zyn seemed to have forgotten the whole incident last night and neither of them were familiar with her codename yet.

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