Recombinant 012 (Various)

884 24 1

Recombinant 012
Pairings: Viper x Killjoy / Reyna x Sage / Fade x Neon

The quiet beeping was soon mute in Viper's ears as she stepped out of the secluded room, hissing as she dabbed her finger on her bleeding lip for yet another time. A sore jaw, a likely bruising cheek, a cut on the eyebrow and a bleeding lip wasn't the least of her expectations. It was a welcomed set of consequences compared to being stabbed or shot without putting much of a fight.

As for her actual expectations, she wasn't surprised that Reyna didn't say anything, not even a word once they entered the room. The duelist just approached the bed and perched herself on the edge, gaze never leaving her unconscious sister and a mask of indifference plastering itself on her face.

Regardless of the silence, Viper continued to collect the tablet and start mentioning all the complications within Lucia's system. She also went on to tell Reyna about how Lucia's heart was struggling more so than before recently. She thought about retelling the time the girl was shortly lucid, but then again, she couldn't guarantee that such turn of events would happen again.

After she provided Reyna the tablet that contained all of Lucia's medical reports, both past and live, she left the woman to also give her the privacy she seemed to need. Upon reaching the main area of her laboratory, Viper suppressed the sigh that almost fell from her lips. Killjoy was right there, heading towards her with not only a deeply concerned look, but a rather worried Sage behind her as well.

"Mein Gott, Sabine!" was Killjoy's horrified reaction. Unlike Viper, both the techie and the healer had a clear view of the damages Reyna inflicted on her.

Assistance would be massively appreciated, yet the second Viper saw the healing orb floating above Sage's palms, a wave of guilt washed over her. She shook her head and quite literally pushed the much gratifying aid of the Chinese. The refusal unsurprisingly took the two sentinels aback.

The chemist felt that she didn't deserve such resolution of the results of her actions. Her face may feel sore all over and she could still feel the faint bleeding in her gums, lip and eyebrow, but accepting Sage's care was like taking a shortcut to shorten the punishment Viper believed she was due to suffer.


Again, the doctor shook her head and ushered for Sage to just proceed past her. "Go. She needs you more than I do."


Sage wasn't given the opportunity to give out a solid protest against Viper's rejection towards her amelioration, for the latter brushed past her and made her way to one of the workstations in the lab. This prompted Killjoy to sigh and predictably follow after her. Returning the orb she had in hand, Sage released a sigh of her own before she went on her own way to offer Reyna the support she highly likely needed.

Killjoy assisted Viper once they were situated on two high stools near a counter and a cabinet, where medical supplies were withdrawn from by her green-eyed lover. Thankfully, when Killjoy chose to take over the task of tending to her wounds, Viper didn't put up an ounce of a struggle.

The techie wasn't exactly the most experienced in medical care and it wouldn't be as efficiently effective as Sage or Skye's healing, but at least it would still be capable of alleviating some of the pain.

"The fact that you're here," Viper began, sitting steadily and allowing Killjoy to start cleaning the cut on her eyebrow. "I suppose you know why Reyna went briefly ballistic."

Killjoy frowned. Yes, she indeed knew why Reyna went momentarily mad, mainly thanks to Sage explaining everything on their way there, but that knowledge alone certainly didn't assuage her panic when they received a report about gunshots coming from the scientist's lab.

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