Recombinant 017 (Various)

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Recombinant 017
Pairings: Killjoy x Viper / Fade x Neon / Reyna x Sage

Morning, noon, night, neither of the two Protocol agents could capture a grasp of time from where they were thrown in.

The holding cells were as plain as they could become, the wall-mounted beds being the only thing interesting in the confined spaces. There were no bars to cling to, but there was at least a glass barrier to look through. Thanks to the pellucid panel, both Killjoy and Fade could at least see each other and offer one another a sense of company in the tense predicament.

Unlike Killjoyʼs cell, which was illuminated with cool white lights, Fadeʼs unit was practically painted with a light red tint thanks to the anti-radianite emitters coming from the built-in panels in the walls. This, of course, inspired a great deal of ire from the initiator, whose hand clenched and unclenched every few seconds or so. It was similar to the same confinement she was in when she first got captured by VALORANT.

No matter how much Fade tried, she couldn't inspire even the smallest tendril of fear out of her hands, and despite knowing her combat skills wouldn't allow her to go down without a fight, the loss of Radiance still vexed her. And the fact that they forced to change into plain pairs of joggers and white shirts, the standard outfits felt like a mockery towards their current position as prisoners.

It's like a wordless statement that told them they were going to be there for a long time.

Killjoy was pacing around her unit, too restless to stay still and take a seat on her new temporary bed. Ever since they've been captured, Killjoy hadn't stopped thinking about how Luthor was doing and if Viper had managed to weed her mirror self out before they could play their little game of deception.

As commendable as Viper's intellect was, Killjoy was worried her Omega twin would succeed with fooling the scientist. And fooling Viper would easily grant the enemy Killjoy the opportunity to do the same to others. If there was any suspicion, Viper would easily dispel such things if she vouched for the impostor.

"This is giving me a headache." Killjoy muttered, rubbing her temples as her pacing slowed. She glanced around before pushing her glasses up and turning to face Fade across her cell unit. "Are we seriously going to just sit here and wait?"

Fade sighed, looking at Killjoy with an exasperated gleam in her eyes. "It's not like we have another choice."

Killjoy approached the glass barrier, feeling around at the corners to see if there was anything that she could pry open. "There must be some flaw in this cell."

"Shouldn't you know?" Fade gave her own holding cell a brief scan before continuing with, "This whole thing looks like something they'd have you build."

Killjoy frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's no jab, if that's what you think." Fade clarified with a huff. "You're the only person that's ever built an anti-radianite holding unit. This is the same thing you made when I got captured."

"Only better."

Both Fade and Killjoy snapped their attention to the speaker, who they soon discovered was none other than the Legion's Reyna. She was flanked by their Cypher and Viper, who wore expressions that gave nothing away to their prisoners.

Fade stood from her place and approached the glass, slamming a fist against it as she glared at Reyna. The duelist seemed unimpressed, making it evident that piercing stares and likely spewed threats would be nothing but futile.

"What are you up to?" Fade murmured lowly, which merely inspired a little smirk from their opponent.

"Nothing too sinister." Reyna replied before following with, "For now, at least."

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