Perfect Pair (Reyna x Sage)

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Perfect Pair (Proposal)

The glass surface of the table lit up almost like a huge, intricate Christmas light, projecting various images, statistics and profiles that were significantly relevant for the mission the agents intended on dealing with for the day. Killjoyʼs fingertips would glow bright and colorful whenever she typed on a projected keyboard or the touch-sensitive screen built on the control table.

It wasn't just an ordinary type of operation. Due to their intentions on gathering intel in a more old-fashioned manner rather than resorting and risking the use of hackable tech, each and every member of those involved would need to be prepared to appear as casual as they could be once they blend into the citizens of a city in the alternate dimension.

Everyone was anxious about this particular assignment, especially when the possibility of being captured by the mirror agents loomed over like a vengeful ghost.

To Reyna, this was just another mission that threatened the safety of their own world. Once Brimstone moved on to discuss communications and surveillance with Cypher, who would be the sentinel that ensured their line wouldn't get cut off like last time, Reyna allowed herself to focus her attention elsewhere.

Luminescent eyes drifted towards the woman across the table, the sight of slightly furrowed eyebrows, arms firmly crossed and lips shaped into a line being the primary details Reyna took notice. Unlike her, Sage was entirely fixated on their briefing, which gave her the opportunity to gaze at the single-minded woman unhindered.

Of all things Reyna foresaw she would meet and experience upon joining the Protocol, Sage becoming one of the core points in her life was never something she anticipated. With how much the two of them seemed to clash in the beginning, no one really envisioned them both finding a common ground that continuously expanded the moment it was discovered.

Reyna became conscious of where her right hand wandered. She glanced around the room, making certain no one was paying her any attention whatsoever before she slipped her hand in one of her pouches, fingers wrapping around a square-shaped case.

Withdrawing the item, Reyna looked down and subtly audited it. The top was nimbly flicked open, unveiling a ring made out of pure platinum with a design similar to a glamira type that encased three deep blue diamonds that looked nearly green under the right light.

After a small handful of trips to different countries, which Reyna convinced Brimstone to label as confidential, she found the necessary contacts and resources that eventually allowed her to finally receive the engagement ring she was holding.

A ring she intended on presenting to Sage the moment she kneels on one knee and asks the woman to be hers eternally.

But now, Reyna had a dilemma she needed to overcome. She needed to find the perfect time to spring the question out on Sage, which would explain why the ring itself has been in her possession for the past three months.

At this point, she's grown desensitized with the looks she usually received from Viper and Brimstone. Those two were the only ones aware of the special accessory's existence, but only because they were the ones who assisted her to have the ring made in the first place. They were also the two people seemingly waiting for her to actually ask the golden question.

Truly, timing was her sole enemy as of late.

Once she heard Brimstone coming to a close with the mission briefing, Reyna snapped the box shut and slipped it back inside her pouch, securing the flap's clasp before redirecting her gaze back to their leader.

"Cypher, distribute the comms to the team." Brimstone said, which Cypher returned with an affirmative nod, before the older man glanced between the others around the table. "You all have twenty minutes to make your final preparations. Change clothes, leave most of your gear. This is a reconnaissance mission, not a raid."

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