Mine and Dine (Reyna x Sage)

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Mine and Dine (Dinner Date)

The steady sequential sound of a knife hitting a chopping board filled the more secluded space in the kitchen area. It wasn't a place the cooks and servers regularly used, so it was not much trouble to have it be cleaned and cleared for three agents to use.

While two of them were breezing through the initial preparations for the meals they're about to cook, one in particular was showing more aggression rather than patience when it came to handling the culinary task provided for her.

Cooking was something Reyna was once proud of being able to do. She was the one who practically raised her younger sister once they lost their parents to an awful street shootout. An incident caused by an illegitimate dealing of Radianite that went awry in their hometown.

Ever since the First Light happened and Reyna was forced to step up even further than she had, cooking a warm meal was the last thing she had on her itinerary. There's a reason why she became close friends with fruits, sandwiches and other types of food on the same scale. Same reason as to why headquarters have actual cooks handling the meals of those in the VALORANT facility. The agents barely have time for themselves, let alone make proportionate meals for their daily lives.

The things Reyna would do for the one she loved.

Today was hers and Sageʼs official first anniversary. An entire year spent teasing, bickering, occasionally arguing, watching each other's backs, keeping each other sane and rooted to reality in general. Every memory, good or bad, happy or sad, Reyna kept them close to heart.

Which now brought her to this point, where she's virtually massacring the onions Sova told her to finely mince.

The aforementioned noise involving the knife and the chopping board? That was the Russian chopping the scallions they'll be using for the noodles they're assisting Reyna in making. Beside Sova, Omen was a rather comical sight to see, especially since someone as seemingly monstrous as him could be seen handling the dough for the noodles.

"Reyna, please. Those are onions. Not enemies."

"I'm mincing them." Reyna almost sounded like she was snarling as she continued. "Just like how you said I should."

"You're slaughtering them."

"Why are we even doing any of this meaningless things?" Omen grunted, placing his hands on either side of the dough and turning to Sova and Reyna just in time to see the duelist twirl the knife she was holding and impaling the tip into the board she was using.

"This is not meaningless." Reyna swiftly composed herself, the initially irked look on her face shifting immediately to a more calm and rather challenging expression. A wordless dare for Omen to further belittle their current task at hand. "And for someone who thinks it is, I find that quite humorous. You are dressed for the part."

"Omen, my friend." Sova left his knife on his own board and planted his vacated hand over the mentioned agent's shoulder, which likely stopped Omen from tearing the apron he was wearing. "You should not be so mean about this. It is for a joyous event."

"I still fail to see how this is more important than anything else."

"I also fail to see as to why you're still wearing that apron and haven't faded away from here like a ghost haunting the facility." Reyna swiftly returned with a sarcastic smile.

"Now, now, you two. We should not quarrel. Reyna," Sova turned to said woman. "do you want our assistance or not?"

The Mexican was not pleased with the question, for she knew she did need their aid for what she had in mind. The archer was aware as well. He wouldn't have asked if he wasn't certain of the response he would receive. Rather than using her words, Reyna merely clicked her tongue, swiped her kitchen knife again before resuming on her act of butchering towards the poor onions.

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