SoulMates - 32

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"Y-yeah, I guess something I remember about these things happening is when I really think about food- like crave, crave food," Enid awkwardly giggled.

She looked at Wednesday's face again and saw how it shifted to curiosity.

"May I, Meine Wölfin?" her voice was so gentle... like she was afraid to

Oh, Wends... how I feel like my heart is going to burst by just looking at you, Enid nodded and allowed Wednesday to pull her face toward her.

Her warm hands rested alongst Enid's cheeks for a moment, her hand was gingerly rubbing her scars which she admired very much. Then she gently widened Enid's mouth and studied the anatomy of the two fangs.

From her raven-sharp eyes, she could tell that the fangs can cut through wood like nothing and crush down on a metal pipe.

Her heart thumped loudly in her ears, "Fascinating. You're so... beautiful, Enid."

The blonde felt like she was going to pass out. Her heart beated in her ears like a warhammer in a race, and her cheeks were full on boiling hot.

WHAT DO I SAY? WHAT DO I SAY? Enid flustered.

"You're so fascinating and beautiful... mi loba," Wednesday repeated but with her signature Addams-foreign-pet-name.

"Ahyupodasme," Enid blurted, What the hell did I just say?! Was that even English?! Was that even Gibberish?!

She tried to think of a cool thing to say back, to try to get back at Wednesday playfully. So she thought of "Uh huh, that's me," with "yup," but ended up mixing the two.

Wednesday's warm hands held Enid's cheek and she stared intensely into Enid's diamond-blue eyes, "You will be the bane of my existence," she said but with no bite.

Enid swore her heart skipped a few beats at just those words.

And then her mind popped up with something!

She knew how Wednesday gets so embarrassed with foreign languages!

"Ευχαριστώ. Αγάπη μου. ΦΕΓΓΑΡΙ μου," through bits of stuttering and hesitation, Enid managed to get the words out.

And when she finished her final word, she saw the slightest hint of red pass through Wednesday's cheek.

Even her eyes were widened!

But then Wednesday scrunched up her nose and scowled. She coughed into her fist, "Breakfast, let's go," she said awkwardly and left the room.

Enid stood there with a face of triumph, POINT! Enid... very smooth, Sinclair! Very smooth, you got Wends blushing! she giggled to herself but felt that was weird all alone.

Quickly, Enid followed the goth through the hall and down the stairs into the grand dining room.

And indeed Enid was proven right. There laid a feast of breakfast and... something on the side?

Enid's eyes narrowed in confusion at what was sitting on a plate by where she presumed Wednesday's seat was because that's where they sat yesterday-

"Wends, what is-" she looked over and saw a brightened face over Wednesday.

Oh, god, I'm gonna die again! HEART ATTACK! Enid couldn't believe she was seeing Wednesday's happy face again.

There was a half grin and happy eyes expression on Wednesday!

"Uncle Fester!" she mutely gasped and looked over to the shady man.

He stood leaning against the fireplace with a pipe that sprouted bubbles instead of smoke, "Thought you could use a good ol' grandpapa meal after five months of running away!" he let out a hearty laugh.

our weird friendship anomaly (Wenclair)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu