Aiden narrowed his eyes at his fake 'brother' playing below in the fields, refusing to give any more thought to the bumpkin. Naki was nothing more than an add-on. "I am not a freak from some faraway lands. I am a pure-born noble Shashiva, and we," he growled, giving Sega's long ponytail a yank, "are not friends."

"I think he's a rather fancy-looking little thing, unique, not weird, and you should know that I know my way around unique things." Sega stood up, circling around Aiden with a wolfish look. He'd just come from studying, decked out in a dark blue vest and pants combination, but always decked out in glittering accessories. "I recall that you are none too normal yourself, my curly-haired runt. Who has hair like this anywhere in the Field?" He stopped behind Aiden, leaning down, his nostrils picking up the scent of the salty sheen coating Aiden's tan skin. "And if we are not friends, then what are we?"

Golden eyes rimmed with a deep chocolate brown snapped to meet Sega's, "I-I don't know, but we aren't just friends, that's for sure!" The things they'd done behind close doors...outside... Friends no longer summed things up.

Sega chuckled. It was cute, the little bit of innocence Aiden still had, but he knew better. He knew the fire Aiden had in him, the drive, and the fight. But it was that little bit of innocence that made Sega love Aiden.

It was the flustered blushes he received if he mumbled an eloquent but dirty bit of language in Aiden's ear. The little gasp he still got if he kissed Aiden the way his seasoned partners had taught him. It was the fact that in their little relationship; he was always ready and willing to learn something new. It was odd how all of the siblings had grown close. Sega was disciplined, astute, but mischievous. Aiden was also a bit of one of those, in a sense, but he slacked off and always wanted to please his father. How did their opposites turn into attraction?

Sega looked at the other, who wouldn't meet his eyes. In his ever-expanding world of what it meant to be the successor of a Pack, Aiden was his little headstrong rock that kept him anchored to reality. Aiden let him be himself, with no judgment or expectations. With Aiden, he could still be just Sega.

"We," he said with nothing but sincerity, "are lovers, you runt. Have we not exchanged affection for nearly two years?" Chilly eyes lit with a lusty shine. "Recently, have we not explored our desires?"

Aiden went red from head to toe, although his tail flicked happily back and forth at a nervous pace. "You shouldn't say things like that. We can't be lovers. Both our fathers would not agree. I don't want a title from you that I cannot keep. If you say it, then I'll crave it and I'll want to keep it forever... I'll want to be with you forever."

Sega brought Aiden to him, leaning against the desk so that Aiden's shorter frame fell against his. He was somewhere between lanky and firm, but certainly in the awkwardness of adolescence. "You don't need to think deeply about those kinds of things. Where are either of us going? The world will be mine and I will have everything I want, you included. Besides, I meant what I said. You are my lover, and I told my father as much before we returned to the Fields."

Aiden looked up in shock, eyes widening. "What do you mean you told him? Told him what?"

"I told him about us," Sega stated plainly. "I told him that we are lovers and that I am smitten with you, so no matter how many she-wolves he tried to force upon me, I would not court them. Because I'm courting you. Because I love you."

Aiden pushed away from Sega, a sense of dread creeping over him. "You told the King? Are you insane? You are the heir to the Field Pack Sega, and you can't tell your father that you don't want a female... How will you have offspring? How will you keep the family line going? Who has heard of a Prince with a male Beta? One that can't have babies! He will... my father will castrate me!"

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