26. Dog Dreams

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Chapter 26: Dog Dreams

Sega looked out the windows, golden curtains pushed aside. He peered down the cobblestone path at the young man running down it towards his pristine castle. He smiled at the picture. His visitor could never walk. He had to run everywhere he went.

"You two are so gross. What do you even see in that brat? He's not the brightest bulb, you know."

Blue eyes cut to his brother, who looked as astute as ever as he read and talked at the same time. Ever a multitasker, Leion looked like the little genius that he was in his scholarly little outfit, with his hair pulled back as tightly as he was wound up. Over the years, Leion had grown terse. They were both budding young men, but their personalities had truly started to differ.

"Just because your only social interactions are with books, do not tear down my relationships, you prude."

"I'm a prude who's smarter than both you and your little boyfriend combined." Leion's blue eyes cut to his brother, who stood just taller than him. "Besides, you should know better than to like other males."

Sega laughed, leaning against the windowsill and crossing his legs, which had seemed to stretch overnight. "You may be full of knowledge, but you're ignorant of the real world, and that can cancel out the keenest minds. Besides, who is the one who blushes and stammers around Rafeo whenever he comes around? What do you think he has between his legs, huh? I know what you two do in the study room."

Leion's eyes widened and his face flushed with pink. He slammed his book shut to glare at his brother. The door to their study opened with an announcement, and a breathless young man stood in the doorway, half slumped, his curly tail swishing happily about.

"I'm leaving before my brain suffers from so much stupidity stuffed into one room."

Sega smirked as Leion gathered his things, completely ignoring Aiden, who slumped over, looking as rough as ever.

"What crawled up his butt?" Aiden asked as he pushed his mop of curls from his face, a light sheen of sweat coating his forehead. "I don't think he likes me."

"Don't feel bad. I don't think he likes himself. He'll grow out of that haughty phase, I'm sure."

Aiden smirked. "Like you aren't haughty," he asked sarcastically.

"I am merely confident, Aiden, not conceited. I know that there is a fine line that straddles both, but I walk the humbler side of them."

Aiden smiled in return, righting his wayward clothing. Although he ran over every day after practice with his brother, Sega never seemed to mind his no doubt less than pleasing smell and unkempt demeanor. The rough training clothes seemed out of place in the castle full of riches. He ruffled his hair so that the curls fell in a neat order rather than a crazy mop. Within the castle, he at least wanted to look as if he were the noble son of the Head of the Hunters. Sega said he looked equally acceptable in training clothes.

He joined Sega at the window, peering out the spotless glass and watching the small figures play below. "Cerise plays with that little urchin as if he is the only other one in the pack. Surely he could find far better friends. You would think after this many years they'd grow bored with make-believe games in the grass."

Sega turned to Aiden with an arched brow. His black features clashed heavily against pale skin, yet somehow matching beautifully with the frosty depths of his eyes. "Who better for him to play with than your stepbrother? Blood son or not, he is still considered the son of Phillius. No man is held in higher esteem next to my father. It's only natural that our families are close, right?" He leaned against the tall and slim window, his slender shoulders gracefully sloping into crossed arms. "You certainly have no qualms with our friendship."

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