Chapter 17 - [REDACTED] Three, Oh gee.

Start from the beginning

He felt a wave of calm wash over him. Frankly, [Redacted]'s antics amused him. How... pitiful, was this oathbreaker, to speak to a wa[dacted] like that? It reminded him of those mortals he had slayed. Why had he even defended her? "Unlike you, I comprehend my need to serve. I understand I meant for no more, and no less. The greatest honor I will receive is to pass on in service to those above me. You wish though, you even dare to want to become more than you were designed to be. That will only bring pain. To you, to those mortals you care about."

"You can come with me... Please [Redacted]. I miss you... Stay with the [Reda]ionists still, we can protect them together." They pleaded.

"I was told that next time I see you, I should end your pitiful existence. But, I am better than you. I will allow you a head start. If you are not out of my sight in ten seconds, I will attack. You may remain in [Redacted], but if the watchers come, you will be the next rabbit they hunt."



"Your better than this, [Redacted]..."


"You... You're kidding! You wouldn't?"


"Please, I miss who you were before!"


"I don't know what they told you, but I'm sorry..."


"I'm sorry I couldn't save you."

"... 5."

"Please [Redacted], just think for yourself for once..."

"..." He paused, before shaking off his hesitation "4."

"They are inflicting their own actions onto you..."


"They're using you as a puppet! Please, Please listen." [Redacted] slumped onto her knees, begging pitifully before him.

"2..." He flicked his hand, violet flame blossoming.

"1." [Redacted] finished for him, pushing herself up. "I won't let you keep hurting people, even if you are my best friend."

"Well, then, Erra, it's a duel." [Redacted] grinned.

"Erra is no longer my name." Erra snapped.

"Fine, what was that pitiful name you used on my server? Ah yes... 'Moon'."

"You... I'm sorry, [Redacted], you're too far gone. They got their teeth into you, they did what I swore I would protect you against... I'm sorry I couldn't stop you, Brother.

"And I'm sorry my own so-called sister betrayed me."

"And I'm sorry you think I'm some monster."

"You're an oath breaker."

"And, if you truly hate me, like you claim you do, why do I still stand here? Unless you cannot convince yourself to attack. Despite the monster they made me out to be, you still see the young girl, who they had 'rescued'. The one who soothed you after nightmares. The one who patched you up after training. '' Erra gazed at him. "I miss the young boy who had been broken, but was still willing to trust me. I miss the one who cried over seeing their first sunrise after escaping."

"That young boy... He's long dead." His words were all coming out wrong. They had been for a while, but he finally acknowledged it. He wanted to listen to Erra, and everything in his brain was screaming at him to listen to his friend. But some instinct in him kept him speaking that venomous tone. "That young boy was weak, and without what we made him into, he would be trampled, walked all over." His voice was cold, despite the fact he wanted to cry with the memories fighting to surface. This wasn't him, it was all too apparent. His mind, heart, and actions were all at odds, but that voice kept talking...

"Ah, greetings Mx. I was wondering when you'd join me." Erra smiled coldly. "I figure my theory was correct?"

"What do you want, oathbreaker?" His own voice was foreign, it felt as if he was watching his own life like it was a movie.

"Well, Iraz, I wanted to ask you the same thing. What have you done to [ReDact-]ua."

"I merely stopped him from betraying all he held dear, due to your manipulation." His consciousness seemed to be fading, everything was so fuzzy...

"[Re-]qua, please!"

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Spooky spooky stuff's occurring
Stuffs gonna happen soon... :) We're getting near the turning point of the story.

WC: 1466 (Does anyone even care about the wc other then me, or should I get rid of it?)

- Xera

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