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Annerys quickly finds out that this box contains her maiden cloak Rhaena had declared that she would be in charge of constructing it and had dragged Baela, into assisting her. Rhaena places the cloak into Annerys arms.

"I did the embroidery for the sigil," Rhaena tells Anne, her hand skating over the blue and golden thread.

"It's beautiful." Annerys tells her.

"And Baela took pieces from Rhaenyra's maiden cloak from her wedding to your father to make up the red trim." Rhaena continues.

Anne smiles up at her mother and Rhaenyra returns the smile before she looks back to Baela and Rhaena and says "Thank you."

"Will you put it on me?" Annerys asks her mother.

"Of course." Rhaenyra says then she takes the cloak from Anne's hands and places it onto her shoulders Rhaena quickly moves to straighten the trail out as Rhaenyra clips the sides together with the pretty dragon pin.

"Will you check that the boys are dressed please, girls?" Rhaenyra says to Baela and Rhaena.

"Of course." Rhaena says and the two leave.

"I love you so much." Rhaenyra says as she holds on to each of Anne's cheeks stroking her thumbs against her cheek bones.

In response to her words Anne leans into her mothers touch.

"I thought Grandfather would return for this day." Anne says sadly.

"He's at war." Rhaenyra attempts to soothe.

"Then why can't it be you to give me away. I'd feel braver if you were closer." Anne says and she feels like a child not a woman ready to become a wife.

"I'll be right there but if not the father or Grandfather of the bride it is at least supposed to be a man." Rhaenyra explains softly.  

"So is the King, that's not going to stop you though." Anne says lightheartedly.

Rhaenyra smiles at her daughter's attempt at lightheartedness but recognises the sorrow in her tone and tries to soothe it if she can "You know Daemon is taking this all very're not to tell him I told you but before we left Dragonstone I saw him practising in the mirror." Rhaenyra says with a smile.

"You did not." Anne laughs.

"I did. He told me he wants to get it right. That it's an honour. I think he enjoys having a role to carry out." 

Anne is just about to respond when they hear a knock at the door "come in," Rhaenyra calls out.

Daemon enters through the door "Baela said you'd finished getting ready."

"I have." Anne tells him.

Daemon nods at her and then turns to his wife and says "you should go and find your carriage or you'll be late and Rhaena seemed quite displeased with Luke. Something about a sash."

Rhaenyra sighs and nods before she turns to Annerys and kisses the side of her head three times, takes a step back but her hand lingers on the side of Anne's head unable to fully let go. "I'll see you soon" Rhaenyra tells Anne before she makes her way out of the room as she walks past her husband to leave the room Daemon reaches out and takes a hold of her hand and places a kiss against the back of it.

Once Rhaenyra is gone Daemon turns to Annerys and says "Pretty girl."

"Fuck off." Anne says but smiles back at him.

"Did your mother like your dress?" Daemon asks as Annerys had not allowed Rhaenyra to see the dress as it was being made as Anne had remained steadfast that she wanted the dress to be a surprise.

Kingdom Fall : Aegon II TargaryenWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu