Miserable At Best [Frerard one shot]

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A/N: I guess that this could be an alternate ending to my past Frerard one shot, so if you haven't read that you might want to. I mean, if you want, but it might help a little bit of understanding of this one. It's in Frank's Pov and I think you should enjoy this.

I looked in the mirror one last time before getting into my car. I was trying to waste as much time as I could, I was dreading the moment when I had to get into my car. Today was the day of Gerard's funeral and I can't help but feel guilty about his death. I was the one who found him passed out in his bedroom, I was the one who rode with him to the hospital, and I was the one who sat at his bedside the entire time he was in a coma. I remember when the doctor walked in and told me that Gerard would die. I broke down right there and had to be held back by Mikey to prevent me from lashing out at the doctor. After deciding that the quicker I get to the funeral the quicker I could go home and grieve by myself. I got into my car, headed to say goodbye to my best friend for the last time.

When I arrived at the cemetery I saw Ray and Mikey standing near the coffin, I figured I would join them. I inhaled deeply, trying to contain my tears. A few tears slipped out but, I ignored them and got out of my car, slamming the door. Ray and Mikey must of heard because they both turned around and begun to walk towards me. I walked towards them in return, just so we can get to each other quicker. So we can mourn our bandmate's death together, as part of a band. When we finally got close enough to speak, it was silent between us. Until Mikey broke the silence, "So this is it? This is the last of My Chemical Romance?" We all nodded silently.

"This is the last of us, but we will still be together. We'll carry on without Gerard, just not as a band." Ray stated sadly, I remained silent the entire time. I didn't have anything to say. I just wanted the funeral to start so I could get home. Mikey noticed my silence and decided to just start the funeral.

"C'mon guys, the funeral is starting. Let's go give one last goodbye to out brother." We all nodded in agreement and headed towards the coffin where Gerard's body laid.

After the funeral, everybody left but Ray, Mikey, and I stayed back. We wanted to give a proper goodbye to Gerard. When we were sure everybody was gone, we stood in a line in front of the coffin, I was in the middle with Ray on my left and Mikey on my right. We weren't really sure what to say so I decided to speak for the first time since I arrived.

"So Gerard, we had some good times. We all didn't want you to leave, We need you in the band. Your daughter is going to grow up without her father. I remember when we filmed the video for 'I'm not okay' and all the fans were freaking out because I kissed you. The fans miss you Gerard, they have been so heartbroken since you died. They had a memorial on social medias for you, I hope that you're happy to know that people care about you. We have to go now but, I love you so much and I want you to come back. Until then, so long and goodnight."

After my small speech, the three of us just stood there for a minute before leaving, we had one last group hug. Then we left, never forgetting out bandmate, who we can call out brother.

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