Hearts and Flowers [Peterick One shot] *TRIGGER WARNING*

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A/N: I know I updated yesterday but I got such a good idea so here I am. Also, there is a trigger warning because this does mention suicide and I don't want anyone to be triggered by it. I AM NOT ROMANTICIZING SUICIDE OR SELF HARM! It's awful and terrible how people could be so down on themselves that they feel that suicide is the only answer. I'm always here if any of you feel down and you can just message me if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here. Other than that, enjoy. Also, in every one shot I will put in the authors note who's point of view it's written in, this is in Patrick's, sorry for making this so long. Now you can read and I'll shut up.

I just couldn't take it, the hate, how everybody says that I should lose weight and look like I did for soul punk. But, they don't understand, they don't understand that it's not who I am anymore. This is who I am, but I don't know why they can't accept that. I'm happy, why can't they be? I was close to sobbing by the time I had closed twitter. I just didn't want to be on this earth anymore, I walked into my bathroom. Just so I could look in the mirror to criticize myself once again. The second I walked in, I saw a bottle of pills. I thought to myself, 'Should I do this?' What about Pete, Andy, and Joe? They would miss me right? I didn't know and frankly, I didn't really care. I grabbed the pills and tried to open the bottle, but failed terribly. After five minutes of trying to open the bottle, I gave up and threw it across the room. I was sobbing, why could nothing go right? I shakily got my phone out of my pocket and dialed Pete's number. I knew he could help me. "Hello?" he picked up quickly, I tried to compose myself to talk to him. He must have gotten worried by my heavy breathing and proceeded to try to talk to me. "Patrick? Are you okay? Oh my god, I'll be over in ten minutes." And he hung up. I swore it was five minutes when I heard the door slam and heard Pete's footsteps come upstairs. I heard the door open and I got scared. He's never seen me like this, I never wanted him to see me like this. "Patrick, what happened?" he questioned, worry evident in his voice.

"The hate, I just couldn't handle it, I just don't want to be here anymore."

"Patrick, I don't want you to say that anymore. I need you to be here, the band needs you here. Patrick, I-I love you. If you left I would be crushed, I wouldn't be able to live."

"I'm sorry Pete, I just don't know what to do anymore. I love you too."

"I know that sometimes life gets rough, but that's never a reason to give up. I'm always a phone call or text away if you need someone to talk to. I'm always going to be here."

"I know I already said this, but, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry you had to see me like this. I'm so glad that you showed up, I could be dead by now if you didn't show up."

"I don't want you to die, I need my best friend. Now, why don't we go and watch a stupid TV show?"

I nodded my head and went out with him, I couldn't believe that I have such an amazing friend.

A/N: There is a song reference in this, the song is 'hearts and flowers' by saywecanfly. That's all that I have to say for now.

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