Lost it all [Frerard one shot]

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A/N: I know I'm updating so much but the ideas are flowing and I have my phone taken away so what else is there to do? Exactly. Also, I had testing so I didn't know what to do within the 45 minutes I had when I was done and I wasn't paying attention to the book I was reading and came up with this so here you go. Also, It's my tiny emo fedora son's birthday today so happy birthday to him. Also, some of the things mentioned in this may or may not be possible but it's a fanfic so anything can happen. Sorry for the long author's note, Franks point of view, Goodbye. One last thing, this mentions suicide, and I'm not romanticizing it and all that jazz I said in the last one shot, so long and goodnight.

It was about three in the afternoon, Gerard was supposed to be at my house half an hour ago. I don't know what happened to him, it couldn't have been Lynz or Bandit because they are on vacation and Gerard had to stay home for rehearsals, today was a day off so Gerard and I thought we would get together and watch a movie or something. After about ten minutes of debating, I decided to go over to his house and see if he was okay, he had started drinking again and I was getting worried. His house was about fifteen minutes away so I drove a little bit faster, getting even more worried. Finally, I got to his house and knocked on the door, no answer. 'That's strange' I thought to myself, taking note of his car in the driveway. I turned the knob and it was unlocked. "Gerard?" I yelled out expecting an answer. The house was dark and quiet. I started getting scared, I was scared that something had happened to him. "GERARD WHERE ARE YOU?!" I almost screamed terrified the my fear had come true. I walked into the bedroom, turned on the light, and saw the most horrifying thing, my best friend passed out on the bed with a bottle of vodka next to him. I slowly walked up to him, just thinking he was sleeping, and shook him. When he didn't wake up I started getting more worried, I checked his pulse, and it was beating really slow. My worst fear had come true, Gerard had tried to kill himself by alcohol poisoning. Without hesitation, I pulled out my phone and dial 911. After I hung up and began to wait, I was on the verge of tears seeing my best friend like this, he could possibly be in a coma. After what felt like hours, the paramedics arrived and put Gerard in the ambulance. I decided to ride with him and the entire time I was praying that he was okay. I quickly texted Lynz about what happened and she said that she was coming home as quickly as she could. When we arrived at the hospital, I had to wait in the waiting room. I was pacing around just wanting to know about his condition. Lynz said she wouldn't be home for another two days so I'm the only person here for Gerard, other than Ray and Mikey. "Anybody here for Gerard Way?" a doctor announced to the waiting room. I almost sprinted to him, wanting to know how Gerard was.

"How is he?" I asked worriedly,

"He's in a coma as of right now and he has a 50/50 chance of living."

"Can I see him?"

"Of course, follow me."

I followed him down a hallway and to Gerard's room. When I walked in I considered walking out because it's hard to see your best friend on a hospital bed fighting for his life. I just sat down in a chair next to him and started speaking to him.

"Gerard, if you can hear me please wake up. I need you to stay alive, the band needs you, and most importantly, your wife and daughter needs you alive. If you wake up, we're getting you help. If there's anyway for you to get through this again, even if you have to break the band to make yourself happy, I would be okay with that, We all just want you to be happy again."

Then, the door opened, revealing the doctor I saw less than fifteen minutes ago.


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