Chapter Twenty-three

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The engine died down as I pulled the keys from the ignition. I cast a quick glance toward my best friend, Carrie Lookwood. Carrie sat in the passenger seat of my Toyota, her fingers nervously picking at a thread on the hem of her shirt. "Are you sure about this, Justice?" She asked, her blue eyes shining. "Are you sure it's safe for us to do this alone? Maybe we should wait for..."

"Are you saying we can't do this because we're girls?" I snatched up several Ziploc bags from the floorboard. Would you rather wait in here while I handle it?"

"There's no way I'm letting you go into that building alone. But I still think..."

"Stop thinking. We'll be in and out before you know it."

"Justice, please listen to me. What if..."

"You know what's going to happen to me if I don't do this, right? You know that I probably won't be able to move for a week, don't you? I don't have a choice. Just sit in here if you're that worried."

"No! There's no way you're doing this alone."

"Then shut up and get out of the truck."

I jumped to the ground and soundlessly headed toward the building, my muscles growing tight. A quick glance over my shoulder confirmed that Carrie was still behind me. "Stay behind me, Carr." I said, my eyes scanning the room for any signs of movement. Nothing.

After picking the lock on the back door, I stepped over the threshold and wrinkled my nose. The place still had that nauseating gas station stench. I held back a cough and checked the perimeter, my ears straining to pick up noise. "You can come on in, Carr. It's clear." Seconds later, Carrie timidly walked into the packaging room. "Justice, something isn't right. We need to get out of here. Right now."

"No." I snapped, her eyes clouding over. "We aren't leaving until we get that money. Andrew will beat me half to death if I go back empty-handed. I can't take another beating today, Carrie. I just can't."

"What if we didn't go back?"

My jaw dropped open in surprise. "Carrie, what are you..." My statement was interrupted by the low rumble of a car engine. "He's here. Hide behind that shelf, I'll handle this."

Carrie obeyed, scurrying behind the shelf just as a figure emerged from the shadows. I stood taller, making the most of my 5'5 stature as the man towered over me. "Do you have it?" He asked, his voice sending shivers down my spine.

I nodded and held up the bags. I placed them behind my back, willing my heart to stop racing. "Payment first."

The man sighed and dug his wallet out of his pocket. He thrust several hundred dollar bills into my hand. I counted them before nodding. "Here." I tossed him the bags and pocketed the cash. "I'll meet you next week. Same place, same dose, and same price. Ten'o'clock." With those words, I turned to walk away.

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