Chapter Twenty-eight

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I stumbled into my room, tears still streaming down my face. Ryan's words were playing on a loop in my mind.

"I care about you, Justice. I'll never hurt you."

Should I believe him? I had spent most of my life surviving by not trusting others. By keeping my distance and holding back, no matter how bad I wanted to let my guard down. I wouldn't have lived half as long as I had had I given my trust to anyone who came along. But Ryan had seemed so genuine, so concerned for my safety. He had driven over a hour just to check on me, manipulators tended not to do things like that.

Maybe I should cut him a break. Maybe for once......

My phone ringing lured me from my personal interrogation session. I cast a quick sideways glance toward the screen. Anderson. I sighed and seated herself on the edge of my bed. "Ranger Taylor," I muttered, my ears straining to hear any noise coming outside the room.

"Taylor? How are things going?" Anderson inquired. His voice sent chills down my spine, but I ignored the sensation.

"They're going great, actually." I leaned back and crossed my legs. "I was about to call you. I just got back to my room."

"A bit late for ranch work, isn't it, Taylor?"

My eyebrows shot up. The last thing I needed was for Anderson to find out about my emotional breakdown in front of Ryan. "No, I was just cleaning out the tackroom. So about the case, I was thinking that it's about time we bust this joint."

"Do you think you're ready? Do you have everything in place?"

"Yes, sir" Excitement radiated from my voice. I took a deep breath and continued. "Although I haven't found any actual evidence that Holoman is Midnight, I did find some photographs in the old barn-of the victims. With all our other charges, I think that will be enough to get a guilty verdict."

"Good work, Taylor. I'm proud of you. So when are you thinking?"

"As soon as possible. I need to get out of here and quick, something big is supposed to go down Saturday afternoon, so we need to raid first thing that morning. Tomorrow I'll finish setting everything to our advantage." I held my breath. "Is that okay with you?"

Silence, then "Of course, "Justice. I trust your judgement. We'll move in Saturday morning at five'o'clock as soon as you give the go-ahead."

"Okay, sounds good." I released a pent-up breath. "I'm just so glad this is over."

"It isn't over yet, Taylor. Not by a long shot. You still need to be careful and keep your guard up. We're playing a dangerous game here."

My smile faded. "I know, Anderson. But I trust you guys. I know you've got my back."

"Trust is a dangerous thing, Taylor. Never forget that."

Like I ever have.

"Yes, sir. I'll keep you updated." I hung up and lowered my phone, chewing my lower lip. Trust is a dangerous thing. Why did that feel like a warning of some kind? Like some sort of prophecy?

My eyelids grew heavy. I glanced at the clock and sighed. Almost ten-thirty. Tomorrow would be another long, hard day. I needed to be well rested to ensure I didn't make any mistakes that could cost me Saturday.

I reached for my suitcase, pulling out a pair of shorts and a oversized tee shirt. I slipped out of my dirty jeans and button-down, then changed and turned out the lights.

As I crawled into bed, a cold skitter shot through my veins. I reached to apply pressure to my aching right shoulder and closed her eyes. "We're going to nail him, Carrie." I whispered as my fingers closed in around my locket.

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