Chapter Fifteen

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I decided to grab some lunch before heading to Collinsville. It would probably be hours before I headed home, and even then I knew I wouldn't have time to eat until after I finished the evening chores. It would be nine 'o'clock by the time I set foot in the kitchen, at the earliest. I stole a quick glance toward the clock. I didn't have to be back in Collinsville until five. It was only 4:15. If I went through a drive through and ate on the way, I could still make it.

I pulled into one of the booths at the local Sonic. After ordering, I checked my phone for updates on the newsfeed. Sometimes when the press gave information about a suspect on social media, people gave tips or some sort of link to the killer. I had once solved a murder using a comment somebody had posted on Facebook. A long shot, but I was desperate. We required a lead, any lead, to make headway in the case and put this killer behind bars.

A text appeared at the top of my screen, interrupting my thoughts. I opened it, thinking it may be one of my co-workers or perhaps Miranda.


Hello, Justice. You look lovely this afternoon. But I think a little red would bring out those pretty eyes of yours. You should have stopped investigating when you had the chance.

Before I could take cover, a bullet sliced through the windshield and tore through my body. A blast of pain erupted from my right shoulder. I gasped for breath as my hand clutched the wound. Nerve cells vibrating, I saw someone move on the top of City Hall with something in their hand. A rifle. The shooter was within my grasp.

Could he be the killer?

Without hesitation, I put the truck in reverse and lurched out of the booth. I had to catch him. Blood snaked down my arm, soaking the leather seat beneath me, but I ignored it. I had an exceptional pain toleration, enough to catch this guy and cuff him before I went into shock and passed out. But I would have to do it in record time.

I pulled onto the road and dialed 911. The moment the dispatcher picked up, I explained what had happened and my location in as few words as possible. "I'm giving chase now." I explained as I tore through traffic.

"What? Ranger Taylor, do not try to run down the shooter. If you're shot you're likely to lose consciousness at any time. You being on the road could..."

"I'm going to leave you on the line so you'll be able to track my location. Please send all available units, we can't let this guy get away again." I threw my phone into the passenger seat and turned my attention to the road as I pressed the accelerator to the floorboard. This task required my undivided focus.

A few hundred yards ahead, a black Chevrolet pulled onto the road. His tire spun as he picked up speed and weaved through traffic. Definitely our guy.

I activated my lights and sirens, my gaze sharp with determination. Blood flowed faster from the gunshot wound, causing my heart to pick up pace. Concentrate, Justice. You can't go out until you have him in cuffs. I gritted my teeth and slammed my boot against the accelerator.

I gained ground on the truck. My F-150 was newer, in better shape. I would catch him in a couple of minutes, unless...

Without warning, a small child wandered out into the street. I slammed down on the brakes and swerved to the right, my heart drumming against my ribcage. I narrowly missed the child, but couldn't avoid the ditch. I came to a stop just as the truck disappeared around the corner. There was no way I'd catch up with him now.

I collapsed against the seat just as my vision blurred. Hands trembling, I reached for a handkerchief and pressed it to the wound. I gritted my teeth and cried out as a burning sensation rushed through my veins.

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