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Chaylyn came back home from shopping by herself, setting the stuff down in a private spot temporarily. The majority of the things is for her boyfriend's birthday which was not far.

After putting the stuff away, she wondered around "Baby! I'm back!" She called out while rubbing her belly.

"I'm upstairs hun!" Matt called back.

Chaylyn smiled while making her way up the steps and made her way to the bedroom.

"Hey babe I just want to give you a heads up abo-"

She stopped mid sentence seeing that Matt was packing some clothes, toiletries, clothes and his wrestling gear in his travel bag.

Chaylyn stood in awkward silence, looking at him in confusion. "Uhm.......What is going on here babe?......Why are you packing?......"

Matt picked his head up to set his sight on her.
"Oh! Yeah I got a call from the people of Grandel Wrestling and they want me to attend there for STL vs The World 2 on the 18th. So I need to fly to St Louis tonight"

Of course this caught Chaylyn off guard to hear this just now. Plus it was so sudden that he needed to return to St Louis Missouri for this event at the Grandel theater.

She didn't want to come off as a little bummed out so she pretends to act positively surprised "You're kidding............Really?......"

Matt nodded "Yeah. I didn't have any other plans so I figured, why not?"

Chaylyn's eyes grew wide and could no longer contain herself "Oohh my gaaawwwd!!......" She rushed out of the room, heading into another one to get out her phone.

Matt was left puzzled by her reaction. "Honey?.....What's wrong?"

While going through her contact list, scrolling with her fingers trembling and her anxiety almost hitting the roof.

"You weren't supposed to know this but I was going to do our co-ed baby shower on your birthday as a surprise for you. I recently bought a few gifts for you too" she explained in a shaky tone.

"Aawe well babe, you didn't need to do that.......Plus there's still plenty of time to set a date for the baby shower." Matt reassured her in order to comfort his girlfriend as best as he could.

"I know I knoowwww but I was desperate to wanna pamper YOU for a change since you're going to be the daddy. I figured your birthday would've been perfect to do the co-ed baby shower. BUT, the thing is your mother is coming this weekend to attend for it!" She replied.

Matt's demeanor suddenly changes, his eyes went wide "Are you serious?...." then he facepalms himself. "Babe, I hope that she isn't catching her flight so soon because I'll be away by then. Unless if you want the co-ed baby shower to be just a simple baby shower?..."

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