A Sister's Confession

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After AEW Dynamite

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After AEW Dynamite

Chaylyn was at the hotel room, sitting with her sister "You know something, Weslyn? I just don't seem to understand why on earth would you hurt Dante like this?..........If you for real are not romantically interested in him, the least you could do was to tell him that you prefer to be just friends with him........You could've prevented getting through this three way drama......Not only that but you practically play with his feelings but also use him to get with Tyler......."

Weslyn gently rubbed and stroked her hand down her cheeks, letting out a soft sigh.

"For the record........I tried, okay?......But at the time.......There was just absolutely no spark!........Nothing.....I mean he's cute and all but he wasn't my type.......I love Tyler....." She began.

Chaylyn slightly tilted her head "Wasn't?.......Don't you mean, isn't?......" gazing at her questionably

"Can I finish?....." Weslyn looked at her sister a bit annoyed.

Chaylyn gestures her hand for her to continue "By all means, go right ahead.." She was all ears.

Weslyn would ponder for a moment on where she could continue. Bracing herself then proceeded

"I honestly had no idea why I didn't friend zone him at first.........But now that I think of it......I guess it's because I wanted to get Tyler jealous to get his attention.......Cause for a while, Tyler didn't pay much mind to me, he didn't bother saying a word. Somehow it seemed to work......And god, he's soooo damn incredible in bed.....The way he would caress, grip and positi-"

"Too much information, Weslyn.......I don't need any details.....Please spare me the visual......." Chaylyn interrupted.

"Oh so you're the only one to share how your nights go with Matt but I'm not allowed to tell you how things go down between me and Tyler?......." Weslyn crossed her arms, feeling that this was a little unfair.

Chaylyn kept a casual, concerned expression, gazing at her sister for a bit.

"But this case is different.....I don't know if you notice but this is a serious situation, Wes.......For one, Dante and Tyler are best friends and what you're doing can strain their friendship.........I just want to get to the bottom of this..."

Weslyn took a deep breath as her face was shaded with some guilt. "I believe it's a little too late for that........"

Hearing that, Chaylyn didn't want to believe it, she was hoping that this wasn't true, hoping for it to be a joke. Though unfortunately, she actually believes her sister is being serious, so Chaylyn wanted to know why her sister said it was 'too late'

"Okay.......What happened?.........." She asked.

Weslyn peaked her gaze at her older sister.

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