Top Flight & AR Fox To The Rescue.

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The whole match kept Katana on edge, not really paying much mind to Taz and Excalibur as her focus was more on her boyfriend

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The whole match kept Katana on edge, not really paying much mind to Taz and Excalibur as her focus was more on her boyfriend.

When Matt won the match, she was relieved, but that didn't last long when the Tribuster's decided to go jump him and beat up on him.

Katana jumped to her feet "The bastards!! Why can't they just own up to the fact they lost?? This is happening every time now!!....." She goes to remove the headsets off, she wasn't really thinking since she was about to go head over to the ring.

Then immediately the Top Flight theme hits and the fans were cheering. Dante swiftly ran into the ring, then Darius and also AR Fox came immediately into the ring as well.

The Tribuster's scattered out of the ring.

Dante and AR were keeping guard and wanting to kick ass while Darius checked up on Matt, making sure he's alright.

Katana stood and watched, feeling her heart beating fast. She was thankful that her friends, Dante and Darius were here tonight and she may not know who AR Fox is but she was glad that he came to the rescue as well.

Matt was slowly sitting up, recovering the the beatings he received from the Tribuster's.

After the Tribuster's trash talking, they left the arena. When Dante, Darius and AR Fox helped Matt up and made their way backstage, Katana knew it was her que to return backstage as well so she did.


Matt was seated in the dressing room while being accompanied by his friends Dante and Darius while AR Fox was also there.

Matt held an ice pack the the back of his neck, his chest heaving due to how warned out he felt. He winces a bit.

Dante sat down by him "How are you feeling, Matt?" He asked checking up on him.

"I'm a little banged up, but I feel good" He responds.

Darius went to go bend down on the other side of Matt. "You know, I think maybe this time. Tony would allow to have you team with us next time along with Fox. I'm sure of it"

Matt didn't really felt that it mattered on what idea Tony has in store. Although he loves teaming up with Darius and Dante. He also likes the idea of possibly teaming up with AR Fox as well. It sounded like a complete dream team. Matt turned to Darius and  placed a hand at his shoulder.

"Oh......Don't worry about it........As much as I love the idea, I really do. But you don't have to go through the trouble of suggesting Tony to team us up." He told Darius then turned to AR Fox.

"Thank you for coming out to help." Said Matt.

AR Fox went over to extend his hand out "It's my pleasure. Hopefully I get to team up with you and Top Flight." He replied.

Matt shook hands with him "Same here, man."

"Knowing my girlfriend, she's probably pissed off to the fact I keep getting jumped and beat up in every match I won" He added.

Dante nodded "You're not joking. I heard her earlier on commentary. She called the Tribuster bastards, I wouldn't want to even mess with her when the tone of her voice sounded like that. That was right before we all sped out to help"

Matt chuckled "Trust me, you don't ever want to encounter her when she's pissed off. Especially now since she's pregnant. Pregnant women can be pretty scary when they're mad"

Darius nodded "I believe it. I believe I seen my mom angry once. I forgot how old I was but I was small. But she was mad that one time because the pizza guy was late"

Dante laughed softly and Matt did too, AR just smiled with amusement then he gazed over at Sydal.

"Congratulations by the way." Said Fox.

Matt smiled "Aw, thanks man."

AR leaned against the wall and goes to ask him. "Do you know what you and your girlfriend are having?"

"We will soon, real soon, in fact, we'll know this Saturday" Matt responds with a gleeful smile.

Darius, Dante and AR were all grateful to hear and soon, they all began to change and while they did so, the men would banter and tell their little stories for a few until they were dressed.


Matt left the dressing room making his way to look for his girlfriend. When he found her, he walked over to her and Chaylyn didn't waste no time, going to him. Her arms went around his neck, feeling her kisses go all over his face, it was as if she hasn't seen him him in years.

Matt chuckled "Babe, it's all good, I'm fine. You're acting as if I returned back from war"

Chaylyn cups his face, pulling back to gaze deep into his eyes. "Well can I help it that I just love you so very much? I'm so very relieved that you're okay" still cupping his face then closed her eyes, giving her boyfriend a big, loving kiss.

Matt kissed her back the same in return keeping his hands at her waist then they both heard a group of guys going "Oooooooooh"

The two pulled back to see that it was Darius, Dante and AR Fox. Matt sheeped a little, smiling bashful and blushing a bit. Chaylyn couldn't resist, but this made her giggle then she went over to her friends and AR Fox.

She gazed at the two Martin brother's first "I want to thank you guys for your loyalty to Matt, it means so very much to me. You guys always been there to have his back no matter what"

Dante had a pleased grin and replied "Hey! What are friends for, huh?"

Darius nodded agreeing with his brother then turned to Chaylyn "As we said before and we will say it again. If anybody messes with our friends, they mess with Top Flight" He explained and truly meant it.

This made Chaylyn smile more and she felt so thankful to have these two as friends so she goes to bring the two for a group hug. "Aaawee, thank you so much you guys. I really appreciate it, from the bottom of my heart" She said as the two brothers smiled and hugged.

Once they pulled back, Chaylyn glanced over to AR Fox as she kindly smiled "Hi, I'm Chaylyn, Matt's girlfriend."

AR exchanged a kind smile in return "It's nice to meet you, Chaylyn. Please, call me TJ. My full name's Thomas James Ballester but everyone calls me TJ" He introduced himself

Now that his real name was revealed to her, that's what she'll call him as now unless if they're out there for a match or interview etc.

(Which also means I'll refer to AR Fox by his nickname and will refer to him by his wrestling name when he's out wrestling. Plus, I just looked up his real name when writing this lol)

"Well then it's nice to meet you too, TJ. And thank you for coming out with Darius and Dante for my boyfriend's aid." She said.

TJ then replied "Hey, don't mention it. I'm always willing to help out a friend in need."

Chaylyn nodded then Darius spoke "As much as we like to stick around to chat. We gotta get going"

Matt was understanding and Chaylyn felt like they also needed to get going.

"Alright, you guys can go right ahead since my girlfriend and I need to go make our way home" Said Matt.

From there, they all parted ways while Matt and Chaylyn soon made their way out. They headed to their car, entering in it as Matt turned on the vehicle, starts it then pulled out of the parking spot to drive on the way home for the night.

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