The Announcement

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AEW Dark.

  Back in Orlando Florida, Matt was backstage already in his wrestling attire, doing some stretching and warming up. Tonight, he finally will team up with AR Fox and Top Flight to go against the Trustbusters. It was great to know that Tony Khan was able to make this happen since Darius was the one who considered the idea.

Plus, it's only fair that they get even, Chaylyn wasn't all that worried now that her boyfriend got his two friends tagging along. Plus TJ (aka, AR Fox: so keep in mind).

Darius and Dante went to meet up with Matt, doing some warm ups with him. TJ made his way over why taking a swig of water and before joining Matt and Top Flight, he stops.

"Hey, Chaylyn. Nice seeing you again. How's it going?" He asked

Chaylyn smiled kindly "Hey TJ! I'm doing just fine. In fact I feel great now that my boyfriend has partners like you to tag along for the upcoming match. Can't wait for this little feud to end. I just wish people would stop ganging up on Matt every time he wins a match, it's getting pretty old if you ask me"

TJ crosses his arms and nodded in agreement "Oh yeah, I know what you mean. In many cases, groups like the Trustbusters refuse to accept that they lost. But no worries, we'll get even with 'em"

"You got that right" Said Chaylyn then smiled.

"Come, join Darius and Dante. I have something to announce with Matt" She added.

TJ went to go join the guys while Chaylyn went to go stand by her boyfriend's side, turning to him "I think it's about that time we tell them" She said only for him to hear.

Matt at first didn't had the slightest idea on what she was referring to so Chaylyn had to give him a little hint by rubbing her belly.

He quickly picked up on it "Oh! Yeah!" Matt turned to his friends.

"Chaylyn and I have news that we like to share. Very special news" He smiled.

This grabbed Darius, Dante and TJ's attention.

"Oh yeah? What news would that be?" Darius asked.

Chaylyn and Matt exchanged looks

"Would you like to tell them? Or shall I?" Matt asked.

"Hmmm......Yeah, that's fine. I could tell them"

Matt nodded "Okay, go right ahead"

Chaylyn turned to face their friends, feeling anxious but excited "Matt and I went to the hospital, I got my ultrasound done and we finally know the gender of the baby" she began

Darius, Dante and TJ grew a smile.

"Awe sweet, what are you two having?" Dante asked and was all ears.

Chaylyn could hardly contain herself as she was just excited and already had in mind on what she's planning.

"Matt and I are having a baby girl!"

All 3 of the guys were happy and proud

"Hey that's great! Congratulations!" Darius said and went to go give Chaylyn a hug.

"Aaawee, thank youuu Darius!" Chaylyn said, hugging him back.

Dante went to congratulate her too and gave her a hug as well. Then he pulled back "In the future, if you guys ever decide to come visit Minnesota for your daughter's birthday. I'd be honored to help plan her party at the Mall Of America. It's got great rides and stuff, a lot of fun"

"Aawee! That's so sweet, Dante! I'll be sure to keep that in mind" Chaylyn said.

TJ also went to give her a hug and congratulated her.

Then all the men went to go shake Matt's hand, congratulating him and also gave him a hug as well. It was a very nice moment, receiving hugs and being congratulated.

Afterwards, it was now finally time for the 8 man tag match. The Trustbusters went out the arena first to make their entrance.

Before it was their turn next, Chaylyn went to give her boyfriend a kiss for good luck and the two exchanged I love you's. From there, the men went to go get ready for their entrances.

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