Set Free.

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  ------------------------------------------- |Chaylyn and Weslyn's POV || ____________________________ |

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|Chaylyn and Weslyn's POV |
| ____________________________ |

Chaylyn watched what was happening in the match seeing so far her boyfriend is in the lead of the match so far and doing well. Though she had a bad feeling that something might go wrong and since she couldn't talk, Chaylyn muffled over to her sister trying to give her the idea that the back of their chairs should face each other, to hopefully see if one of their bounded hands could unbound one another.

Weslyn couldn't get what her sister was trying to have her do, looking at her with puzzled eyes as Chaylyn moaned in aggravation followed with an eye roll. So Chaylyn practically had to effortlessly scootch herself to get behind her young sister.

Chaylyn grunted and muffled as she managed to get her back facing her sisters back and tried reaching her bounded hands to try untying her sister. But it was no use.

Chaylyn let out a strong groan, upset that she couldn't do what she hoped. So Chaylyn effortlessly scoots herself back in position, facing the tv monitor, feeling hopeless and stared at the tv monitor.

'Uggh!! We just got to find a way to get free!......' Chaylyn thought in her head.

Weslyn sighs through her nose and also aggravated that they couldn't find a way to break free. They were both stuck here at this point. All they could do was watch the match for a few until Chaylyn saw that her boyfriend won the match while Cezar and Peter were both clearly upset.

The camera pans on Matt who's outside the ring, talking to the camera until Ryan Nemeth charged at Matt from behind, knocking him down roughly.

Chaylyn's eyes grew wide with fear as she squirmed in her seat, loudly moaned in fear, panicking while Weslyn couldn't believe what she's witnessing on tv.

Soon, both girls turned to hear loud banging on the door so they both muffled loudly for help once more until the door officially busted open.

It was Darius and Dante!

They both rushed over to quickly untie the girls and removed the tape from their mouths.

Concerned, Dante asked "You girls alright?"

Chaylyn and Weslyn were glad to see Darius and Dante. After being free, Chaylyn got up, turning to the tv then back at him.

"Yeah, we're fine. But Matt is being attacked!"

Dante and Darius took a glance at what's happening on tv for a second. Dante gazed back at his friend "Don't worry. We're on it" he said then soon, they both rushed out to be on the way to stop the Wingmen.

Chaylyn took a moment to collect herself after what happened as she turned to her sister. "Fucking assholes........They're all the same.......This always happens whenever things don't go their way!.....They just don't let up...." She spoke all annoyed and sighs shaking her head.

Weslyn nodded "Yeah......But no fret. The Wingmen ain't got nothing on Top Flight.....Watch, they'll scatter away like little bitches...." She spoke on the positive side.

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