Part XIX: Delivery

Start from the beginning

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Yawning as he closed up his music program for the night--his brain had stopped being capable of any meaningful work about twenty minutes ago--Liam looked over at his phone. Blake, and the conversation he'd had with her, immediately came to mind.

He knew there wasn't anything he could do about it, but he hated that she was having such a hard time dealing with the fallout from her mom's passing and all the complicated emotions that came with it.

You know she needs to work through it. Being there to hug her would be more for you than it would be fore her. It would distract her.

Setting down his phone, Liam scrubbed a hand through his hair. He'd thought of asking her to talk through it with him, but knew it was better to just make himself available for whenever she decided to open up. Painful experience had taught him that.

He needed to distract himself from reading into the things Blake had said about her grandparents, and leaving home, and not going home for some time.

And the complete absence of any mention of her dad.

Liam had thought about even just asking if her grandparents were maternal or paternal, but had decided against it.

Marie had said they were that just what Blake told her? Is her dad just not in the picture?

For a moment, the idea of texting Marie to ask about that popped into Liam's head, and he had to shake himself to get it to go away.

That would open up a can of worms.

Not only would that be such an insanely out of the blue question to ask his ex, who he hadn't seen since they'd broken up, and who had texted him a few times after, but it would probably also lead to Marie wondering about why he wanted to know something so personal about Blake.

I could just tell her we're friends and I'm concerned.

Liam squeezed his eyes shut, drawing in another deep breath.

But I won't. Because I'm not texting her.

Liam looked to the door, imagining the hall beyond, and Kekoa's room next to his.

His parents were out cold, since they had work and had to wake up early, and Kekoa was still adjusting to a non-college sleep schedule, so he probably wouldn't be awake.

He'd tell you not to text your ex, because he's not an idiot.

Liam had thought about trying to nudge Kekoa toward a healthier sleep schedule, but he knew that was something his brother would have to figure out on his own.

Just like I did this year.

Last year had been horrible. He'd almost failed out of his Ear Training class from oversleeping it so many times on Fridays, as it had been his only class. Not that he'd been doing poorly--he'd been getting A's on everything--but if he scored lower than a seventy-five percent in attendance, dictation, sight singing, or intervals and chords, he automatically failed.

He'd barely passed the attendance portion after a meeting with the professor, and had been worried about it this year.

Thankfully, sleeping over at Marie's and going to class with Blake, and then sleeping with Blake, had put and kept him on a more regular sleep schedule.

Liam smiled at that, enjoying that his friendship with Blake had made him look forward to going even to his early morning classes.

Though, waking up with her never made me want to get out of bed.

Thankfully, Blake was very disciplined about her morning routine. Liam had even woken up to see her in the middle of it the last three days before they'd left. She hadn't given herself a break, even then. Liam could understand that, though. He didn't feel like he'd done enough if he hadn't written any music on a given day. After watching Blake go through her stretches and calisthenics in her underwear, he'd pulled out his laptop and wrote in bed while Blake had showered and made tea and put on her make up for the day.

After she'd climbed back in bed and made a little adjustment to her routine by taking him into her mouth, then riding him until they both came, of course.

Liam smiled at that, then felt his cheeks grown hot and his boxer briefs grow tight.

He looked down at his crotch, then blinked.

How the actual fuck did I get from thinking about Blake's apparently depressing family life, to fantasizing about her?

Blowing out a breath, Liam shrugged and decided he might as well take care of it. He went over to his laptop, thinking about finding something to masturbate to, then wondered about watching Blake's show. She'd have to be at least a little into it by now.

Liam usually didn't care about looking at porn, since he usually only did it when he was masturbating, but he still had a little religious guilt left regarding it, and watching his girlfriend instead of some other random naked girls was probably at least somewhat morally better.

I wouldn't even have to watch her current show. I could go look at some of her old ones.

Then, though, he would technically be illegally streaming or downloading, effectively stealing from his girlfriend. He frowned at that.

That's a weird thing to think about.

Grabbing his phone, Liam decided he'd text Blake and ask if it was okay if he watched her show, or if that would throw her off.

Before he could, though, one of the notifications caught his eye. He hadn't heard his phone buzz, but he had a notification from the Amazon app, and his most recent order had been delivered.

Liam gazed at the notification for a moment and blinked.

That could work.

A/N: Liam's going slow, so don't get too excited...but what do you think just came in the mail?

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