Chapter 59

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Stevie's Pov

Turns put Sydney blackmailed her step-father into helping her and the guys get a warrant from the judge to raid Shiv.

The DEA has already had a case building so it wasn't that hard for a judge sign off on one.

Sin is still angry they took longer then they meant too. At this moment he is still cursing as the EMT doctors up my busted lip and puts some sort of cream on my injured wrists.

"Fuck, if we would've just gotten here sooner." He curses as he stands protectively over me. Watching carefully as the medical professional tends to me. I cringe at the stinging on my lip, as he places ointment onto it.

Sin glares hard at him, that I couldn't help, but smile at over his protectiveness. I reach outwards to his hand linking my fingers through his.

I watch the calmness enter him as he looks at where we are connected. He peers back up at me with subtle regret, but I shake my head. Letting him know it's okay.

Beau and Heath come over to stand next to us after giving statement to the police. People in this neighborhood standing around curious about what has happened tonight. Wanting answers, and wondering why so many cops are at one place.

Belle took Sydeny home after they gave me hugs, and sympathetic glances. I couldn't help, but watch the long wanting looks that both kept giving to one another. So I suggested Belle give her ride home. It was better then them staying and suffering the endlessly amount of statements the police keep wanting from me.

The EMT finally finishes up before giving me a warm heated blanket that I graciously accepted. The cold December night shilling, that has my mouth clicking from the amount of shivering I am doing. Heath comes to sit beside me in the back of ambulance engulfing me in his warm embrace.

I don't know if I am truly cold or the affects of my adrenaline is dwindling, and I am shivering from an adrenaline drop. Probably both to be honest.

"Can we go home." I whisper out.

"I'll go see." Beau says as he walks away to find someone.

"I need to tell my mom where I am at." I mention as I lay my head on Heath's chest. I just want the night to be over.

"We told her. She knows. She wants us to meet her tomorrow for lunch." Heath's soothing voice comforting me. I can feel my eyelids droop softly. As he runs soft fingertips through my hair.

"That feels good." I whisper at as the repeating action drifting me into a deep comatose like sleep.


I wake from a gentle stroke against my cheek. I casually lift my sleep dazed eyes towards a deep brown.

I smile, as I reach for him. He takes my hand as he helps me out of the car. Sin and Beau dropped us off to grab my car from school. I slept the ride back. The exhausting night getting to me.

Yet as I look around for Sin's car I don't see it. Maybe they stop for something on the way home.

"Want to go straight to bed?" Heath says as he opens the door to Sin's house.

I shake my head. I really just want to take a shower. "I want a shower first."

He nods as he takes my hand stiring me into the small bathroom. I don't have many clothes here, but a few days ago I packed a bag of my clothes to place here. I spend more time here now then at home, so it made sense.

I strip out of my clothes, not waiting for the water to heat up as Heath turns the nob of the faucet. He turns toward me, his eyes softly sweeping across my bare skin.

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