Chapter 20

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Stevie's Pov

The next day at school I could hardly focus during class. My mind a jumble mess as it was preoccupied from what Heath had confessed to me last night at Belle's.

I was starting to get stressed in my last period from all the thoughts running through my brain.

So I decided the best decison was to clear my mind and figure somethings out. When the last bell rang for the end of the day. I all but scurried out of school like it was on fire.

I grabbed my camera figuring that taking a long walk in the autman breeze while taking some pictures will calm me down.

I start walking away from my car knowing it would be okay as it was locked.

Deciding to take in my other surrondings of Somerville. I only ever been to the school and the twins house.

As I was making my way farther from the school I started to feel an unease fill my stomach. My surrondings unfamilar.

I would've asked either Belle or Beau to come, but both were busy. Belle with extra credit in one of her classes and Beau was helping their dad with something.

As for Heath, well I haven't seen him all day. I knew he was at school because Beau mention it.

I had a suspicion he was avoiding me which is rather irratating, from the bomb he dropped on me last night. I felt I deserved an explanation. Did I not?

I would have liked to have talked to him about it to get some sort of clarity, but maybe it was for the best we had some space from each other.

The feelings I carried for both guys was confusing me enough to cause insanity.

I pulled myself from my thoughts as my camera bag was wrapped across my body. My phone in my pocket and keys tucked safely in my hands with my car key between my fore finger and middle with the sharp edge pointed out, wedge inbetween my knuckes.

Can't never be to careful. Sad I know, but the times we are living in, a girl should always be prepared.

I took in my surrondings as I passed multiple dollar stores, a grocery store and several bars. Many loitering with a few early stragglers for happy hour.

It wasn't yet five o'clock, but it was almost time for people getting off of a hards day of work to enjoy a nice pint or two.

I quickly avoid any eye contact to the rough looking bikers standing outside a bar called Pop' a Top. Not wanting to draw any attention to myself.

I quickly made it through without being cat called coming to see a small little corner store. It was innocent enough looking.

It didn't have no where near the hard unpleasant edge the bar down the road did.

I stood there across the street looking at the little store. Nothing beautiful really, it was a little run down.

But what captured my attention was the old man that had his backed pressed against the graffitti tagged wall as books where scattered all around him.

He had worn clothes that were covered in stains. His hair was unwashed and scraggly. He was older from what I could see. I knew he had to be homeless from the sight of his clothes, and how dirty he was. Also the fact it was starting to get cold out and he was wearing a thin short sleeved short.

However dispite his unpleasant apperance it was the fact his nose was in a book oblivious to what was going on around him, and he seemed to not care.

The sight was utterly heartbreaking and intriguing to see. I instantly pulled my camera out as I set the settings to focus to what I desired. I pulled my camera to my face about to snap a picture.

Her Sinners (Somerville #1) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें